14 results filtered with: Race, gender, and science
- Books
Feminism & science / edited by Nancy Tuana.
Date: [1989], ©1989- Books
Women in mathematics : the addition of difference / Claudia Henrion.
Henrion, Claudia, 1958-Date: [1997], ©1997- Books
Reinventing the sexes : the biomedical construction of femininity and masculinity / Marianne van den Wijngaard.
Wijngaard, Marianne van den.Date: [1997], ©1997- Books
Reinventing biology : respect for life and the creation of knowledge / edited by Lynda Birke and Ruth Hubbard.
Date: [1995], ©1995- Books
Common science? : women, science, and knowledge / Jean Barr & Lynda Birke.
Barr, Jean, 1944-Date: 1998- Books
Deviant bodies : critical perspectives on difference in science and popular culture / edited by Jennifer Terry and Jacqueline Urla.
Date: [1995], ©1995- Books
The less noble sex : scientific, religious, and philosophical conceptions of woman's nature / Nancy Tuana.
Tuana, Nancy.Date: [1993], ©1993- Books
Im/partial science : gender ideology in molecular biology / Bonnie B. Spanier.
Spanier, Bonnie.Date: [1995], ©1995- Books
Women's health-- missing from U.S. medicine / Sue V. Rosser.
Rosser, Sue Vilhauer.Date: [1994], ©1994- Books
Gender and Boyle's law of gases / Elizabeth Potter.
Potter, Elizabeth.Date: [2001], ©2001- Books
The "racial" economy of science : toward a democratic future / edited by Sandra Harding.
Date: [1993], ©1993- Books
Toward a global science : mining civilizational knowledge / Susantha Goonatilake.
Goonatilake, Susantha.Date: [1998], ©1998- Books
Is science multicultural? : postcolonialisms, feminisms, and epistemologies / Sandra Harding.
Harding, Sandra G.Date: [1998], ©1998- Books
Reinventing the male homosexual : the rhetoric and power of the gay gene / Robert Alan Brookey.
Brookey, Robert Alan, 1959-Date: [2002], ©2002