7 results filtered with: Studies in British art
- Books
The Art of the first fleet : and other early Australian drawings / edited by Bernard Smith and Alwyne Wheeler.
Date: 1988- Books
Transports : travel, pleasure, and imaginative geography, 1600-1830 / edited by Chloe Chard and Helen Langdon.
Date: [1996], ©1996- Books
Joseph Wright of Derby : painter of light / Benedict Nicolson.
Nicolson, Benedict.Date: 1968- Books
Hogarth: his life, art, and times / [Ronald Paulson].
Paulson, Ronald, 1930-2024.Date: 1971- Books
Book illustrators in eighteenth-century England / Hanns Hammelmann ; edited and completed by T.S.R. Boase.
Hammelmann, Hanns, 1912-1969.Date: 1975- Books
William Henry Fox Talbot : beyond photography / edited by Mirjam Brusius, Katrina Dean, and Chitra Ramalingam.
Date: [2013]- Books
Selling art in Georgian London : the rise of Arthur Pond / Louise Lippincott.
Lippincott, Louise, 1953-Date: 1983