89 results filtered with: The New Sydenham Society
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Selected monographs.
New Sydenham Society.Date: 1888- Books
Selected essays on syphilis and small-pox : translations and reprints from various sources / edited by Alfred E. Russell.
Date: 1906- Books
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A clinical treatise on diseases of the liver / by Fried. Theod. Frerichs ; translated by Charles Murchison.
Frerichs, Friedrich Theodor, 1819-1885.Date: 1860-1861- Books
Professor Schroeder van der Kolk on the minute structure and functions of the spinal cord and medulla oblongata : and on the proximate cause and rational treatment of epilepsy / translated from the original (with emendations and copious additions from manuscript notes of the author) by William Daniel Moore.
Schroeder van der Kolk, J. L. C. (Jacobus Ludovicus Conradus), 1797-1862.Date: 1859- Books
Essays on acromegaly / by Pierre Marie and Souza-Leite ; with bibliography and appendix of cases by other authors ; translated and edited by Procter S. Hutchinson.
Marie, Pierre, 1853-1940.Date: 1891- Books
Clinical surgery : extracts from the reports of surgical practice between the years 1860-1876 / by T. Billroth ; translated from the original, and edited, with annotations, by C.T. Dent.
Billroth, Theodor, 1829-1894.Date: 1881- Books
Lectures on children's diseases : a handbook for practitioners and students / by E. Henoch ; translated from the fourth edition (1889) by John Thomson.
Henoch, E. (Eduard Heinrich), 1820-1900.Date: 1889- Books
Smellie's treatise on the theory and practice of midwifery / edited, with annotations, by Alfred H. McClintock.
Smellie, William, 1697-1763.Date: 1876-1878- Books
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A report on vaccination and its results : based on the evidence taken by the Royal Commission during the years 1889-1897. Vol. 1, The text of the commission report.
Great Britain. Royal Commission on Vaccination.Date: 1898- Books
Selections from the works of the late J. Warburton Begbie ... / edited by Dyce Duckworth.
Begbie, James Warburton, 1826-1876.Date: 1882- Books
On fractures and dislocations / by H. Helferich ; illustrated by B. Keilitz ; translated from the third edition (1897) with notes and additional illustrations by J. Hutchinson.
Helferich, H. (Heinrich), 1851-1945.Date: 1899- Books
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Selected monographs.
Date: 1861- Books
Investigations into the etiology of traumatic infective diseases / by Robert Koch ; translated by W. Watson Cheyne.
Koch, Robert, 1843-1910.Date: 1880- Books
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Selected essays and monographs / translations and reprints from various sources.
New Sydenham Society.Date: 1897- Books
Selected essays and monographs : chiefly from English sources / Braxton Hicks, Bodington, Hodgkin, Paget, Humphry, Ehlers.
Date: 1901- Books
Two monographs on malaria and the parasites of malarial fevers.
Date: 1894- Books
A manual of pathological histology : to serve as an introduction to the study of morbid anatomy / by Eduard Rindfleisch ; translated by E. Buchanan Baxter.
Rindfleisch, Georg Eduard von, 1836-1908.Date: 1872-1873- Books
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Micro-organisms : with special reference to the etiology of the infective diseases / by C. Flügge ; translated from the 2nd and thoroughly revised ed. of "Fermente und Mikroparasiten" by W. Watson Cheyne.
Flügge, Carl, 1847-1923.Date: 1890- Books
Lectures on surgical pathology and therapeutics : a handbook for students and practitioners / by Theodor Billroth ; translated from the eighth edition.
Billroth, Theodor, 1829-1894.Date: 1877-1878- Books
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Clinical lectures on subjects connected with medicine and surgery / by various German authors.
New Sydenham Society.Date: 1894- Books
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Selected monographs on dermatology / Unna, Nielsen, Duhring, Bronson, Blanc, Berger, Prince-Morrow.
New Sydenham Society.Date: 1893- Books
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Selected essays and monographs : translations and reprints from various sources.
Date: 1897- Books
The medical digest : being a means of ready reference to the principal contributions to medical science during the last thirty years / by Richard Neale.
Neale, Richard, 1827-1900.Date: 1877- Books
A guide to the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the urine : designed especially for the use of medical men / by C. Neubauer and J. Vogel ; translated by William O. Markham.
Neubauer, C. (Carl), 1830-1879.Date: 1863- Books
- Online
Clinical lectures on subjects connected with medicine, surgery, and obstetrics / by various German authors ; selected, by permission, from the series published by Professor Richard Volkmann.
New Sydenham Society.Date: 1876