71 results filtered with: Advertising - history
- Books
Female complaints : Lydia Pinkham and the business of women's medicine / Sarah Stage.
Stage, Sarah.Date: [1979], ©1979- Books
Arzneimittelwerbung in Deutschland vom Beginn des 16. bis Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts : dargestellt vorzugsweise an Hand von Archivalien der Freien Reichs-, Handels- und Messestadt Frankfurt am Main mit einer Einführung in das Wesen der Werbung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Frühformen in antiker und mittelalterlicher Heilmittelwirtschaft / Heinz Zimmermann.
Zimmermann, Heinz.Date: 1974- Books
Imagining illness : public health and visual culture / David Serlin, editor.
Date: [2010], ©2010- Books
La publicidad terapeutica en la España de "entreguerras" / Luis S. Granjel.
Granjel, Luis S. (Luis Sanchez)Date: 1974- Books
La France envahie par Hunyadi János / Pierre Julien.
Julien, Pierre (Pierre André), 1921-Date: 1983- Books
Shocking history of advertising / [E.S. Turner].
Turner, E. S. (Ernest Sackville), 1909-2006.Date: [1953]- Books
Un capitulo de la propaganda farmacéutica : troquelados / R. Jordi.
Jordi González, Ramón.Date: 1981- Books
Zwischen Standesrecht und Marktwirtschaft : ärztliche Werbung zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts im deutsch-englischen Vergleich / Jochen Binder.
Binder, Jochen, 1971-Date: 2000- Books
The trade card in nineteenth-century America / Robert Jay.
Jay, Robert.Date: 1987- Books
El símbol de la farmàcia / Joan Esteva de Sagrera.
Esteva de Sagrera, Joan.Date: 1992- Books
Dansk medicin : historien om de danske medicinfabrikker / Hans-Otto Loldrup.
Loldrup, Hans-OttoDate: 2014- Books
Vin Mariani / William H. Helfand.
Helfand, William H.Date: 1980- Books
Early marketing of the theory of nutrition : the science and culture of Liebig's Extract of Meat / Mark R. Finlay.
Finlay, Mark R.Date: 1995- Books
Cocoa & corsets : a selection of late Victorian and Edwardian posters and showcards from the Stationers' Company copyright records preserved in the Public Record Office / Michael Jubb.
Jubb, Michael.Date: 1984- Books
Quand la santé publique s'affiche : 50 ans, 50 affiches, 1945 - 1995 / [Thierry Fillaut (and others)].
Date: 1995- Books
The mad old ads / Dick Sutphen.
Sutphen, Dick.Date: 1968, ©1966- Books
A magyar gyógyszerészeet képes reklámtörténete 1945-ig : a receptektől a plakátokig = an illustrated history of pharmaceutical advertising in hungary up to 1945 / szerző és szerkesztő Judit Szarvasházi.
Szarvasházi, Judit.Date: 1999- Books
Le Courrier graphique. No. 15 (3. année, mai 1938), La publicité pharmaceutique / par Laignel-Lavastine [and others].
Date: [1938]- Books
Pure ketchup : a history of America's national condiment, with recipes / Andrew F. Smith.
Smith, Andrew F., 1946-Date: [1996]- Books
The language of quackery in England, 1660-1800 / Roy Porter.
Porter, Roy, 1946-2002.Date: 1987- Books
Victorian advertisements / Leonard de Vries ; text by James Laver ; compiled in collaboration with Ilonka van Amstel from the collections of Mr. Roland Knaster and the British Museum.
Laver, James, 1899-1975.Date: 1968- Books
Un capitulo de la propaganda farmacéutica : troquelados / R. Jordi.
Jordi González, Ramón.Date: 1981- Books
Historical images of the drug market. VI / by William H. Helfand.
Helfand, William H.Date: 1985- Books
Snake oil, hustlers and hambones : the American medicine show / Ann Anderson ; foreword by Heinrich R. Falk.
Anderson, Ann, 1951-Date: 2000- Books
Skimmed : breastfeeding, race, and injustice / Andrea Freeman.
Freeman, Andrea (Associate Professor of Law)Date: [2020]