457 results filtered with: Aging
- Books
Age changes in the neuromuscular system / E. Gutmann and V. Hanzlíková.
Gutmann, E. (Ernest)Date: 1972- Books
Source book on ageing : information materials for the international year of older persons.
Date: [1997]- Books
- Online
Ioannis Bernhardi de Fischer, Med. Doct. ... De senio, eiusque gradibus et morbis, nec non de eiusdem acquisitione, tractatus, de novo revisus et abundanter auctus : accesserunt praeterea desiderati Franc. Ranchini, et Floyeri gerocomicarum, amplae sciagraphiae, nec non Welstedii et Dethardingii, conspirante quasi ad longaeuitatem fato, eodem MDCCXXIV. anno, cum Floyeri Geroc. edita commenta, tribus verbis indigitata.
Fischer, Johann Bernhard von, 1685-1772.Date: 1760- Pictures
- Online
A man and a woman in a vineyard in autumn; representing the benefits of the fiftieth year of life. Engraving by Conrad Meyer, 16--.
Meyer, Conrad, 1618-1689.Date: 1600-1699Reference: 26385i- Books
Religion and aging in the Indian tradition / Shrinivas Tilak ; foreword by Katherine K. Young.
Tilak, Shrinivas, 1939-Date: 1997, ©1989- Books
CRC handbook of immunology in aging / editors, Marguerite M.B. Kay, Takashi Makinodan.
Date: [1981], ©1981- Books
Death / Tyler Volk. Sex / Dorion Sagan.
Volk, Tyler.Date: [2009], ©2009- Books
- Online
Considérations sur la vieillesse, quelques-unes de ses maladies, et sur plusieurs dégénérescences de tissus par les progrès de l'âge : thèse présentée à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier, et publiquement soutenue le 7 juin 1837 / par André-François Dunoyer.
Dunoyer, André François.Date: 1837- Books
Oxygen : the molecule that made the world / Nick Lane.
Lane, Nick, 1967-Date: 2002- Books
The end of age / Tom Kirkwood.
Kirkwood, T. B. L.Date: 2001- Books
Ages and stages of life : [calendar] 2003 / American Registry of Pathology.
American Registry of Pathology.Date: [2003?]- Books
Vitamin B¹² and aging / B.F. Chow.
Chow, B. F.Date: 1977- Books
Aging and levels of biological organization / edited by Austin M. Brues and George A. Sacher.
Date: [1965]- Books
Nutrition in aging / Eleanor D. Schlenker.
Schlenker, Eleanor D.Date: 1984- Books
Memento mori : what the Romans can tell us about old age and death / Peter Jones.
Jones, P. V. (Peter V.)Date: 2018- Books
Can't we talk about something more pleasant? : a memoir / Roz Chast.
Chast, RozDate: 2014- Books
The quest for immortality : science at the frontiers of aging / S. Jay Olshansky and Bruce A. Carnes.
Olshansky, Stuart Jay, 1954-Date: [2001], ©2001- Videos
21 year old baby.
Date: 2010- Books
Borrowed time : the science of how and why we age / Sue Armstrong.
Armstrong, Sue (Writer on science)Date: 2019- Books
The middlepause : on turning fifty / Marina Benjamin.
Benjamin, MarinaDate: 2016- Books
Aging : a challenge to science and society / edited by D. Danon, N.W. Shock, and M. Marois.
Date: 1981- Books
Brain aging : molecular biology, the aging process, and neurodegenerative disease / edited by Hugh C. Hendrie, Indiana University School of Medicine, Laurane G. Mendelsohn, Lilly Research Laboratories, Carol Readhead, California Institute of Technology.
Date: [1990]- Videos
21st century medicine : sky news.
Date: 1999- Books
Envejecimiento : programa genético o desgaste? / José Francisco Ortiz Pedraza.
Ortiz Pedraza, José Francisco.Date: [1995]- Books
Growing old in silence / Gaylene Becker.
Becker, Gaylene.Date: [1980], ©1980