3,821 results filtered with: Ancient
- Books
Antiquitates Celto-Normannicae, containing the Chronicle of Man and the Isles, abridged by Camden, and now first published complete, from the orginal ms. in the British musæum; with an English translation, and notes. To which are added extracts from the Annals of Ulster, and Sir J. Ware's Antiquities of Ireland: British topography by Ptolemy, Richard of Cirencester, the Geographer of Ravenna, and Andrew Bishop of Cathness: together with accurate catalogues of the Pictish and Scottish kings / By the Rev. James Johnstone. [In Latin and English].
Johnstone, James, -1798.Date: 1786- Books
Ancient astrology : theory and practice = Matheseos libri VIII / by Firmicus Maternus ; translated by Jean Rhys Bram.
Firmicus Maternus, Julius.Date: [1975]- Books
Roman aqueducts & water supply / A. Trevor Hodge.
Hodge, A. Trevor.Date: 1992- Books
- Online
Geschichte der Thierzucht und Thiermedicin im Alterthum / bearbeitet von A. Barański.
Baranski, A. (Anton)Date: 1886- Books
Aristotle on life and death / R. A. H. King.
King, R. A. H.Date: 2001- Books
Hermetica : the ancient Greek and Latin writings which contain religious or philosophic teachings ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus / [edited with English translation, introduction, and appendix by] Walter Scott.
Hermes, Trismegistus.Date: [between 1990 and 1999?]- Books
Médecins et spécialistes : le problème de l'unité de la médecine à Rome au 1er siècle ap. J.-C / par Philippe Mudry.
Mudry, Philippe.Date: 1985- Books
Dioscórides : sobre los remedios medicinales : manuscrito de Salamanca : estudios y traducción / traducción de Antonio López Eire y Francisco Cortés Gabaudan ; anotaciones e índices de Francisco Cortés Gabaudán ; estudios de B.M. Gutiérrez Rodilla y Ma. C. Vázquez de Benito ; prólogo de Alejandro Esteller.
Dioscorides Pedanius, of Anazarbos.Date: 2006- Books
La perfection de l'homme selon Galien / Vincent Barras et Terpsi Birchler.
Barras, Vincent.Date: 1994- Books
La medicina nella letteratura latina. III, Plauto, conoscenze mediche, situazione e instituzioni sanitarie, proposte esegetiche / Innocenzo Mazzini.
Mazzini, Innocenzo.Date: 1992- Books
De senectute, De amicitia, De divinatione / Cicero ; with an English translation by William Armistead Falconer.
Cicero, Marcus Tullius.Date: 1971- Books
The first fossil hunters : paleontology in Greek and Roman times / Adrienne Mayor.
Mayor, Adrienne, 1946-Date: [2000], ©2000- Books
Medycyna i filozofia w starożytności / Andrzej Bednarczyk.
Bednarczyk, Andrzej, dr hab. doc.Date: 1999- Books
Does Aristotle have a mechanics? / H. Carteron.
Carteron, H.Date: 1975- Books
From Veleda to the Völva : aspects of female divination in Germanic Europe / Kees Samplonius.
Samplonius, Kees.Date: 1995- Books
Place des Épidémies dans la Collection hippocratique : le critère de la terminologie / Jacques Jouanna.
Jouanna, Jacques.Date: 1989- Student dissertations
Attempting "definition" in ancient Greek and Chinese magic. / Karen Chan.
Chan, K. (Karen)Date: 2007- Books
Aristotle's first principles / Terence Irwin.
Irwin, Terence.Date: 1990, ©1988- Books
Studies in Greek colour terminology / by P.G. Maxwell-Stuart.
Maxwell-Stuart, P. G.Date: 1981- Books
The gardens of Adonis : spices in Greek mythology / Marcel Detienne ; translated from the French by Janet Lloyd ; with an introduction by J.P. Vernant.
Detienne, Marcel.Date: 1977- Books
Greek burial customs / Donna C. Kurtz and John Boardman.
Kurtz, Donna, 1943-Date: 1971- Books
Un témoignage antérieur à Celse sur l'opération du coloboma : 'P. bibl. univ. Giss. IV 44' / Marie-Hélène Marganne.
Marganne, Marie-Hélène.Date: 1991- Books
Egypte, documents d'art égyptien d'aprés la description de l'Egypte, expédition de l'armés fran caise sous Napoléon Ier, l'expédition d'Egypte, dessins du Baron Denon, et le Musés egyptien / [Armand Guerinet].
Guérinet, Armand.Date: [1920?]- Books
Intellectual life in the late Roman Republic / Elizabeth Rawson.
Rawson, Elizabeth.Date: 1985- Books
Melancholy, love, and time : boundaries of the self in ancient literature / Peter Toohey.
Toohey, Peter, 1951-Date: [2004], ©2004