71 results filtered with: Care of the sick
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Wounded foreigners outside the city walls being picked up by French soldiers and taken to a guarded fortress. Coloured lithograph by G. Engelmann after H. Lecomte, 1820.
Lecomte, Hippolyte, 1781-1857.Date: 1820Reference: 24451i- Books
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Die Krankenpflege im Hause und im Hospitale : ein Handbuch für Familien und Krankenpflegerinnen zum besten des Rudolphiner-Vereines zur Erbauung und Erhaltung eines Pavillon-krankenhauses behufs heranbildung von Plegerinnen für Kranke und Verwundete in Wien / herausgegeben von Th. Billroth.
Billroth, Theodor, 1829-1894.Date: 1881- Pictures
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Schleswig-Holstein War: an ambulance arriving at a battlefield in Düppel 18 April 1864. Lithograph by W. Funke, 1864.
Date: 1864Reference: 24323i- Pictures
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The interior of a hospital of the Order of St. John. Line engraving by Rasmäsler, 1828, after J.H. Ramberg.
Ramberg, Johann Heinrich, 1763-1840.Date: 1828Reference: 17375i- Books
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A text-book of practical therapeutics with especial reference to the application of remedial measures to disease and their employment upon a rational basis / by Hobart Amory Hare.
Hare, H. A. (Hobart Amory), 1862-1931.Date: 1911- Books
The sick of the fringe : care & desctruction.
Date: 2019- Books
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Home nursing manual : with chapters on personal hygiene and care of infants / by C.F. Wightman.
Wightman, C. F.Date: [1912]- Pictures
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A couple come to visit the sick people in a hospice, the man attempts to feed one with some nourishment. Etching.
Reference: 16916i- Books
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The nurse.
Date: [1849 or 1850?]- Pictures
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Crimean War: Florence Nightingale checking on her patients and administrating medicine at Scutari Hospital. Coloured lithograph by J.A. Benwell.
Benwell, Joseph Austin.Reference: 21276i- Pictures
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Crimean War: women nurses tending wounded soldiers as "woman's mission". Coloured lithograph by J.A. Vinter, 1854, after H. Barraud.
Barraud, Henry, 1811-1874.Date: 6 December 1854Reference: 24314i- Books
Immediate care of the acutely ill and injured / edited by Hugh E. Stephenson, Jr.
Date: 1974- Books
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The maternal physician : a treatise on the nurture and management of infants, from the birth until two years old being the result of sixteen years' experience in the nursery. Illustrated by extracts from the most approved medical authors / By an American matron.
Tyler, Mary Palmer, 1775-1866.Date: 1818- Pictures
A frail and wounded soldier being saved from death by the care of his young wife. Etching by B. Roger after L. Sicard.
Sicard, Louis Marie, 1746-1825.Reference: 24447i- Pictures
A surgeon about to bleed a woman's foot, he is observed by an older surgeon and aided by an assistant, another woman comforts the patient. Engraving, 1586.
Date: [1586]Reference: 22977i- Pictures
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Crimean War: Sisters of Charity at the New Hospital at Pera, Turkey. Wood engraving.
Reference: 21297i- Books
How to treat people : a nurse at work / Molly Case.
Case, MollyDate: 2019- Pictures
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A sick man (Valentine) in bed with his hand held by his sister Camilla: the landlady demands the rent as David Simple enters the room. Line engraving by W. Blake, 1782, after T. Stothard.
Stothard, Thomas, 1755-1834.Date: 10 August 1782Reference: 16849i- Pictures
An older surgeon instructing a younger surgeon on how to bleed a male patient's arm. Engraving, 1586.
Date: [1586]Reference: 22972i- Books
Eros and illness / David B. Morris.
Morris, David B.Date: 2017- Pictures
A physician examining a child, who is being comforted by a nurse in the ward of a childrens' hospital. Photogravure by J.Löwy, 1901, after I. Knopp, 1892.
Knopp, Imre, 1867-Date: 1892-1901Reference: 22212i- Pictures
Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian tending the frail and the sick. Line engraving by N. Picart, 1675.
Date: 1675Reference: 23508i- Pictures
A surgeon bleeding a man's arm, he is observed by an older surgeon and aided by an assistant. Engraving, 1586.
Date: [1586]Reference: 22974i- Books
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The care of the sick at home and in the hospital : a handbook for families and for nurses / by Th. Billroth ; translated by J. Bentall Endean.
Billroth, Theodor, 1829-1894.Date: 1890- Pictures
World War Two: converted first aid station in the Raffles theatre, Singapore, 1942, during aerial bombardment. Wash drawing by L. Rawlings, 1943.
Rawlings, Leo, -1990.Date: 1943Reference: 24390i