9 results filtered with: Catatonia
- Books
Observaciones preliminares de la farmacodinamia del toé / por Carlos Gutiérrez Noriega.
Gutiérrez-Noriega, Carlos, 1906-1950.Date: 1937- Books
- Online
Über die Katatonie : ein Beitrag zur klinischen Psychiatrie / von Clemens Neisser.
Neisser, Clemens.Date: 1887- Books
Morte improvvisa (mors thymica) in sindromi nervose da trauma psichico / per Giacomo Pighini.
Pighini, Giacomo.Date: 1918- Videos
- Online
Catatonia : psychomotor akinesis and parakinetic hyperkinesia.
Date: [1925]- Books
Contribution to the somatology of periodic catatonia / Rolv R. Gjessing, in collaboration with S. Bugge [and others] ; edited in English by L. R. Gjessing and F. A. Jenner ; [translated from German by Helen Marshall, F. Alec Jenner, and Levi R. Gjessing].
Gjessing, Rolv Ragnvaldson, 1887-Date: 1976- Books
- Online
Physiological psychology : a case of suspension of the mental faculties, of the powers of speech, and special senses, with the exception of sight and touch, continuing for many months : with a commentary on some of the more important of its bearings, upon the philosophy of the human mind, and the physiological psychology of man / by Robert Dunn.
Dunn, Robert, 1799-1877.Date: 1855- Books
Katatonie, ein Modell psychischer Krankheit / Hildburg Kindt.
Kindt, Hildburg.Date: 1980- Books
Catatonia / K.L. Kahlbaum ; [translated from the German by Y. Levij and T. Pridan].
Kahlbaum, Karl Ludwig, 1828-1899.Date: [1973], ©1973- Film
Catatonia : psychomotor akinesis and parakinetic hyperkinesia.
Date: [1925]