83 results filtered with: Cautery
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Dissertatio inauguralis medico-chirurgica de cauteriis actualibus seu de igne ut medicamento quam ... / defendet auctor Joannes Christophorus Spiritus.
Spiritus, Johann Christoph.Date: [1784]- Pictures
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Two physicians applying the method of cauterisation to clearly defined points of the back and side of two patients. Pen drawing after an Anglo Saxon tenth century manuscript.
Reference: 22307i- Archives and manuscripts
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M0001838: Reproduction of Anglo-Saxon surgery, an oil painting by Ernest Board
Date: 31 March 1931Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/17/30Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
- Online
Considérations sur l'emploi du feu en médecine : suivies de l'exposé d'un moyen épispastique propre à suppléer la cautérisation, et à remplacer l'usage des cantharides, avec le Rapport de MM. Portal, Percy et Thénarde ... à l'Académie royale des sciences / par Louis-François Gondret.
Gondret, Louis-François, 1776-1855.Date: 1818- Books
- Online
Intorno alla gangrena secca e sull'uso del cauterio attuale nella medesima : ragionamento letto alla Reale Accademia di Lucca nella tornata de' 10 settembre 1841 / dal socio ordinario dott. Ermenegildo Tessandori.
Tessandori, Ermenegildo.Date: 1842- Books
Etudes expérimentales et pratiques sur le nitrate d'argent fondu, et sur la cautérisation des rétrécissemens de l'urèthre indurés, calleux, ordinairement infranchissables, faite avec une pâte caustique; / par J.-J. Cazenave, médecine.
Cazenave, Jean Jacques, -1877.Date: 1841- Archives and manuscripts
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M0010113: Cauteries, 16th centruy
Date: 30 July 1947Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/89/17Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Pictures
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Mastectomy. Drawing attributed to a Dutch artist, 17th century.
Date: [between 1600 and 1699]Reference: 528470i- Books
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Clinical notes on the electric cautery in uterine surgery / by J. Byrne.
Byrne, John, 1825-1902.Date: 1873- Archives and manuscripts
MS Japanese 85
Date: c. 16th century- Pictures
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A surgeon treating a patient's foot, in the background another surgeon is examining a patient in a surgery. Lithograph after A. Brouwer.
Brouwer, Adriaen, 1605 or 1606-1638.Reference: 22678i- Archives and manuscripts
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M0006557: Illustrations of cauteries for fistula, from Chyrurgia Albucasim, early 14th century
Date: 30 January 1940Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/55/38Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Archives and manuscripts
M0007403: Manuscript illustration of cauterisation points, c. 1200
Date: 6 September 1940Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/63/58Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Archives and manuscripts
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M0008085: Amputation instruments, from Lowe: A discourse of the whole art of chyrurgerie
Date: 20 August 1941Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/69/91Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
M0007003: Manuscript page from Roger Frugardi, Chirurgia, and other medical miscellany depicting cauterisation points for various diseases
Date: 22 July 1940Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/59/92Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Pictures
- Online
A surgeon bandaging a patient's knee after applying a cautery, a clergy man and a wealthy patron (?) are observing the situation. Engraving.
Reference: 22543i- Pictures
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Diagrams illustrating how to perform a mastectomy and cauterise the wound. Pen drawing by ZS (?), 19--, after an engraving, 1603.
Reference: 22454i- Archives and manuscripts
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M0008314: Cauteries, 10 instruments
Date: October 1941Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/72/45Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
- Online
De la cautérisation linéaire appliquée aux décollements cutanés et muqueux.
Amussat, Alphonse-Auguste, 1821-1878.Date: [1861]- Pictures
- Online
A surgeon treating a patient's foot, in the background another surgeon is examining a patient in a surgery. Lithograph by E. Meyer after A.Brouwer.
Brouwer, Adriaen, 1605 or 1606-1638.Reference: 22621i- Books
- Online
De varia ustionem adhibendi ratione apud Hippocratem : dissertatio inauguralis medico-chirurugica ... / auctor Car. Frid. Guil. Moldenhawer.
Moldenhawer, Karl Friedrich Wilhelm.Date: 1818- Pictures
- Online
A Japanese physician applying moxa (a substance produced from leaves of various wormwoods) as a cautery: igniting it on the skin of a patient's back. Wood engraving.
Brunier, Gauchard.Reference: 21483i- Pictures
A receptacle for burning coal to heat cautery instruments. Engraving.
Reference: 22314i- Archives and manuscripts
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M0008311: Cautery irons
Date: October 1941Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/72/42Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
- Online
De la cautérisation de l'épiploon dans l'opération de la hernie étranglée / par le docteur Carteaux.
Carteaux, Dr.Date: [1865]