86 results filtered with: Chemical apparatus
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An alchemist wearing a tall hat, sitting at a table containing his chemical instruments. Lithograph by H. Wood after F. Howard.
Howard, Frank, 1805-1866.Reference: 36278i- Pictures
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An elderly alchemist sitting next to his equipment. Engraving by C. Weigel, 1698.
Date: 1698Reference: 36157i- Pictures
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The chemical laboratory of Ambrose Godfrey: : the distilling room. Etching attributed to W.H. Toms after H. Gravelot.
Gravelot, Hubert François, 1699-1773.Date: [between 1730 and 1739?]Reference: 37025i- Pictures
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A queen dressed in blue, representing mercury, in a crowned alchemical flask. Watercolour painting by E.A. Ibbs.
Ibbs, Edith A.Date: 1900-1909Reference: 38826iPart of: Splendor solis- Pictures
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Louis Pasteur, standing, holding eyeglasses, with chemical apparatus and books. Chromolithograph.
Date: [1890?]Reference: 38595i- Pictures
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A chemist examining a flask of golden liquid, with a book and chemical apparatus. Colour process print.
Reference: 21832i- Pictures
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A lady, with her maid, consults an apothecary in his workroom, for a love philtre (?). Coloured lithograph, c.1850.
Reference: 21849i- Pictures
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Jean-Baptiste-André Dumas carrying out a chemical procedure. Coloured lithograph by H. Daumier.
Daumier, Honoré, 1808-1879.Date: 1848-1850Reference: 2659iPart of: Les représentans représentés. Assemblée législative- Pictures
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A woman representing truth sits in a chemical laboratory and points at the source of a ray of light, representing philosophy. Engraving by Crabb, 1817, after G.M. Brighty.
Brighty, G. M.Date: 30 July 1817Reference: 26216i- Pictures
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Four scenes from W. Combe's verse Dr. Last or the devil upon two sticks, a parody of the Royal College of Physicians, and in particular John Fothergill. Engraving after W. Combe.
Combe, William, 1742-1823.Reference: 22091i- Books
Chemical handicraft : A classified and descriptive catalogue of chemical apparatus, suitable for the performance of class experiments, for every process of chemical research and for chemical testing in the arts. Accompanied by copious notes, explanatory of the construction and use of the apparatus / by John Joseph Griffin.
Griffin, John Joseph, 1802-1877.Date: 1877- Pictures
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A pharmaceutical business (John Bell & Co.): rooms for manufacture, dispensing, and shop. Etching by R.W. Macbeth.
Macbeth, Robert W. (Robert Walker), 1848-1910.Date: [between 1890 and 1899?]Reference: 585841i- Pictures
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A man and a woman demonstrating the process of fermentation and distillation in alchemy. Etching, ca. 17th century.
Reference: 36181i- Pictures
An alchemist in a long robe standing reading above an open chest of books which he has rifled through; a large vaulted hall surrounds him, littered with alchemical apparatus. Pen and pencil drawing by J. Nasmyth, 1854.
Nasmyth, James, 1808-1890.Date: 1854Reference: 37578i- Pictures
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A queen in red is presented with dishes of blood on a hill; below, a man in a white robe gesticulates to the heavens; while another man stands next to alchemical apparatus, facing a man who is lying sick in bed; representing a stage in the process of alchemy. Coloured etching, ca. 18th century.
Reference: 38630i- Pictures
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A chemist holds up a flask to show his young assistant. Woodcut.
Reference: 37796i- Pictures
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Doctor Syntax attending a scientific demonstration at the Royal Institution, London. Coloured aquatint by T. Rowlandson after W. Combe.
Combe, William, 1742-1823.Reference: 40198iPart of: The tour of Doctor Syntax through London, or the pleasures and miseries of the metropolis- Pictures
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Two workers in an alchemist's laboratory, surrounded by chemical receptacles and equipment. Engraving, 1669.
Date: 1669Reference: 36200i- Pictures
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A man performing a chemical procedure is approached from behind behind by another man who strangles him with a scarf. Process print by V&C after P. Chase.
Chase, Powell.Reference: 42927i- Pictures
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An alchemist hunched over his crucible; an assistant reads him a recipe, watched by an onlooker; the alchemist's wife weeps in the dim background, a baby clasped to her breast. Coloured lithograph by Bouvier, 1830, after J. Steen.
Steen, Jan, 1626-1679.Date: January 1830Reference: 35485i- Books
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Notices sur l'alcali-mètre, et autres tubes chimico-métriques, ou sur le polymètre-chimiques, et sur un petit alambic, pour l'essai des vins. Opuscle utile aus fabricans, commerçans et consommatuers de soude, de potasse, de savon, de vinaigre et d'alcool / par F.A.H. Descroizilles.
Descroizilles, F. A. H. (François Antoine Henri), 1751-1825.Date: 1818- Pictures
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Abbé Jean-Antoine Nollet demonstrating chemical experiments to a party of ladies and gentlemen. Engraving, ca. 1750.
Reference: 37126i- Books
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Arte del blanquéo par medio del ácido muriático oxigenado / por el doctor Berthollet. Y descripcion y usos de un instrumento de prueba : para el ácido muriático oxigenado, añil y óxido do manganeso : con observaciones acerca de grabar este instrumento y demas utensilios de cristal por medio del ácido fluórico. Por el C. Decroizilles ... Obra traducida del frances al castellano por Domingo García Fernandez.
Berthollet, Claude-Louis, 1748-1822.Date: 1796- Pictures
Michael Faraday lecturing at the Royal Institution: Prince Albert and his sons in the audience. Wood engraving, 1856, after A. Blaikley.
Blaikley, Alexander, 1816-1903.Date: 16 February 1856Reference: 40199i- Archives and manuscripts
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M0012702: Illustration of apparatus to make mineral water
Date: September1952Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/113/53Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive