337 results filtered with: Communicable diseases
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Public hygiene / by Thos. S. Blair[and others].
Blair, Thomas Stewart, 1867-1939Date: 1911- Books
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An account of the epidemic fever of 1847-48, more especially as deduced from the statistical records of the extra accommodation of the Royal Infirmary : with a suggestion and plan for improved and more economical temporary erections for future occasions / by Robert Paterson, M.D.
Paterson, Robert, 1814-1889.Date: [1848?]- Pictures
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Fourteen illustrated precautions to be taken when handling blood or fluids contaminated with blood, in order to avoid transmitting HIV, hepatitis B and other related infections; an advertisement for AIDS prevention by the Eusko Jaurlaritza Gobierno Vasco. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
Date: [1996?]Reference: 675854i- Books
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Observations on the nature and treatment of cholera : and on the pathology of mucous membranes / by Alex. Turnbull Christie.
Date: 1828- Books
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Oratio ex Harveii Instituto in aedibus Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis : habita die Julii Xmo MDCCCLVIII / auctore Georgio E. Wilmot Wood.
Wood, George Edward Wilmot.Date: 1858- Books
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A treatise on the nature of scrofula : in which an attempt is made to account for the origin of that disease on new principles; illustrated by various facts and observations explanatory of a method for its complete eradication; together with an appendix, containing several interesting cases. / By William Farr.
Farr, William, active 1820.Date: 1820- Audio
After Ebola.
Date: 2016- Books
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Leprosy, ancient and modern : with notes taken during recent travel in the East / by Tilbury Fox.
Fox, William Tilbury, 1836-1879.Date: MDCCCLXVI [1866]- Books
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A sanitary enquiry into the probable causes of yearly epidemics in England, as observed at Leicester / Richard Weaver.
Weaver, Richard.Date: 1871- Books
Serious communicable diseases : guidance for doctors / General Medical Council.
General Medical Council (Great Britain)Date: 1998- Books
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Tentamen chemico-medicum inaugurale, De contagio : quod, annuente summo numine, ex auctoritate reverendi admodum viri, D. Georgii Baird, S.S.T.P. Academiae Edinburgenae praefecti, necnon amplissimi Senatus Academici consensu, et nobilissimae Facultatis Medicae decreto, pro gradu doctoris, summisque in medicina honoribus ac privilegiis rite et legitime consequendis, eruditorum examini subjicit Joannes Ford Davis, Anglus, Soc. Reg. Med. Edin. necnon Lyc. Med. Lond. soc.
Davis, John Ford.Date: 1797- Books
Contagion zine.
Date: 2019- Books
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Researches to establish the truth of the Linnaean doctrine of animate contagions : wherein the origina, causes, mode of diffusion, and cure, of epidemic diseases, spasmodic cholera, dysentery, plague, small pox, hooping cough, leprosy ... are illsutrated by facts from the natural history of mankind, of animals, and of vegetables, and from the phenomena of the atmosphere / by Adam Neale.
Neale, Adam, -1832.Date: 1831- Pictures
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An HIV virus cell representing an information sheet on AIDS and how it is spread with numerous smaller illustrations and text; an AIDS prevention advertisement by the Voluntary Health Association of India. Colour lithograph by Stephen Marazzi, ca. 1995.
Date: [1995?]Reference: 677301i- Books
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A treatise on the plague : more especially on the police management of that disease : illustrated by the plan of operations successfully carried into effect in the late plague of Corfu : with hints on quarantine / by A. White.
White, Andrew.Date: 1846- Books
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The influence of tropical climates on European constitutions ; to which is now added, an essay on morbid sensibility of the stomach and bowels, as the proximate cause, or characteristic condition of indigestion, nervous irritability, mental despondency, hypochondriasis, &c. &c. preceded by observations on the diseases and regimen of invalids, on their return from hot and unhealthy climates / by James Johnson.
Johnson, James, 1777-1845.Date: 1827- Books
Die experimentelle Bakteriologie und die Infektionskrankheiten mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Immunitätslehre : Ein Lehrbuch für Studierende, Ärtze und Medizinalbeamte / von Dr. W. Kolle ... und Dr. H. Hetsch.
Kolle, Wilhelm, 1868-1935.Date: 1911-- Books
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Zymotic diseases : their correlation and causation / by A. Wolff.
Date: 1872- Books
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Historical and statistical sketch of the progress of epidemic fever in Glasgow during the year 1847 / by R.S. Orr.
Date: [1848]- Books
The new killer diseases : how the alarming evolution of mutant germs threatens us all / Elinor Levy and Mark Fischetti.
Levy, Elinor.Date: [2003], ©2003- Books
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The hygiene of the infectious fevers / by J.W. Miller.
Miller, J. W.Date: 1880- Books
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Statistical and pathological report of the cases of fever treated in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh in the year ending September 30, 1842 / by Thomas B. Peacock.
Peacock, Thomas B. (Thomas Bevill), 1812-1882.Date: [1843]- Books
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On the influence of variations of electric tension as the remote cause of epidemic and other diseases / by William Craig.
Craig, William, 1832-1922.Date: MDCCCLIX [1859]- Books
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Outlines of a course of lectures on the practice of medicine : as delivered in the medical school of Guy's Hospital, / By William Babington, ... and James Curry.
Babington, William, 1756-1833.Date: 1802-6- Books
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Inquiry into the nature and cause of miasmata, more particularly illustrated in the former and present state of the Campagna di Roma / P. Murphy.
Murphy, Patrick, 1782-1847.Date: 1825