40 results filtered with: Congenital Abnormalities - history
- Books
Monstrous metamorphosis : nature, morality, and the rhetoric of monstrosity in Tudor England / Kathryn M. Brammall.
Brammall, Kathryn M.Date: 1996- Books
Deformität als Metapher : ihre Bedeutung und Rezeption im England des 18. Jahrhunderts / Ulrike Bolte.
Bolte, Ulrike, 1955-Date: 1993- Books
Historical aspects of foetal abnormalities / by Vishnu Sarma.
Sarma, Vishnu.Date: 1964- Books
Missbildungen der Gliedmassen : Kasuistik und Entstehungstheorien. Eine medizingeschichtliche Betrachtung.
Püschel, Erich.Date: 1970- Books
Imperfect pregnancies : a history of birth defects and prenatal diagnosis / Ilana Löwy.
Löwy, Ilana, 1948-Date: [2017]- Books
The Victorian freak show : the significance of disability and physical differences in 19th-century fiction / Lillian Craton.
Craton, Lillian.Date: [2009], ©2009- Books
Images of freaks in baroque art : "a foul and pestilent congregation" / Barry Wind.
Wind, Barry.Date: 1998- Books
Freaks : Collectie Akimitsu Naruyama : de exploitatie van menselijke fysieke fenomenen in circussen en reizende gezelschappen / Akimitsu Naruyama.
Naruyama, Akimitsu, 1966-Date: 1999- Books
Stérilités mystérieuses & naissances maléfiques dans l'antiquité classique / Marie Delcourt.
Delcourt, Marie.Date: 1986- Books
- Online
Les monstres humains : histoire, superstitions, croyances populaires, formations, anomalies, phenomènes ... / [Jean Fauconney].
Fauconney, Jean.Date: [1920?]- Books
Monstruos y seres imaginarios en la Biblioteca Nacional / [Antonio Lafuente, Javier Moscoso].
Date: [2000]- Books
Freaks : we who are not as others / by Daniel P. Mannix.
Mannix, Daniel P. (Daniel Pratt), 1911-1997.Date: [2000]- Books
Missgeburten und Wundergestalten in Einblattdrucken und Handzeichnungen des 16. Jahrhunderts / [Albert Sonderegger].
Sonderegger, Albert.Date: [1927]- Books
Zeichen und Wunder : Weissagungen um 1500 / von Petra Roettig ; [herausgegeben von Uwe M. Schneede].
Roettig, Petra.Date: [1999], ©1999- Books
The singular and the making of knowledge at the Royal Society of London in the eighteenth century / by Palmira Fontes da Costa.
Costa, Palmira Fontes da.Date: 2009- Books
Monstrous births and visual culture in sixteenth-century Germany / by Jennifer Spinks.
Spinks, Jennifer.Date: 2009- Books
Freak Babylon : an illustrated history of teratology & freakshows / Jack Hunter.
Hunter, JackDate: 2005- Books
Il decimo cerchio : appunti per una storia della disabilità / Massimo Fioranelli ; presentazione di Giorgio Cosmacini.
Fioranelli, Massimo.Date: 2011- Books
Children's surgery : a worldwide history / John G. Raffensperger ; with contributing specialists.
Raffensperger, John G., 1928-2022.Date: [2012], ©2012- Books
Emblematic monsters : unnatural conceptions and deformed births in early modern Europe / A.W. Bates.
Bates, A. W. (Alan W.)Date: 2005- Books
Special cases : natural anomalies and historical monsters / Rosamond Purcell.
Purcell, Rosamond Wolff.Date: [1997], ©1997- Books
Human curiosities and the Royal Society, 1699-1751 / John H. Appleby.
Appleby, John H.Date: 1996- Books
Victorian grotesque : an illustrated excursion into medical curiosities, freaks and abnormalities, principally of the Victorian Age / by Martin Howard.
Howard, Martin, 1941-Date: 1977- Books
Signs and portents : monstrous births from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment / Dudley Wilson.
Wilson, Dudley Butler.Date: 1993- Books
Victorian freaks : the social context of freakery in Britain / edited by Marlene Tromp.
Date: [2008], ©2008