10 results filtered with: Cysticercosis
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De taenia humana : dissertatio inauguralis medica ... / auctor Fridericus Piltz.
Piltz, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1802-Date: 1831- Books
The morphology and pathogenicity of the bladder worms Cysticercus cellulosae and Cysticercus bovis / Jaroslaz Šlais ; [translation by Eva Kalinová].
Šlais, Jaroslav.Date: 1970- Books
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Note sur un cas de cysticerque du sein / par Fr. Guermonprez.
Guermonprez, François, 1849-1932.Date: [1883]- Books
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Ladrerie ou cysticercose chez l'homme / par Mlle. Élise Volovatz.
Volovatz, Élise.Date: 1902- Books
Teniaty - lentochnye gelʹminty zhivotnykh i cheloveka i vyzyvaemye imi zabolevani︠︡ia / K.I. Abuladze.
Abuladze, K. I.Date: 1964- Books
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Étude sur la ladrerie chez l'homme comparée à cette affection chez le porc / par Joseph Boyron.
Boyron, Joseph.Date: 1876- Books
Cysticercosis : an analysis and follow-up of 450 cases / H.B.F. Dixon and F.M. Lipscomb.
Dixon, H. B. F. (Henry Bryan Frost)Date: 1961- Books
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De cysticerco cellulosae in oculo humano : dissertatio inaugural medico-chirurgica ... / publice defendet auctor Gerardus Adolphus Georgius Berthold ; opponentibus Beoning, Weber, Kohn.
Berthold, Gerhard Adolf Georg, 1824-Date: [1856]- Books
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Cases of the hydatid cysticercus cellulosae in the sub-conjunctival cellular tissue, and in the anterior chamber of the human eye / by Edwin Canton.
Canton, Edwin, 1817-1885.Date: 1848- Books
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Ein Fall von Cysticercus des Auges, Gehirns und Rückenmarks : inaugural-Dissertation welche zur Erlangung der Doctorwürde / der Verfasser Sasson Alcalaï.
Alcalaï, Sasson, 1872-Date: 1895