111 results filtered with: Distillation
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The chemical laboratory of Ambrose Godfrey: : the distilling room. Etching attributed to W.H. Toms after H. Gravelot.
Gravelot, Hubert François, 1699-1773.Date: [between 1730 and 1739?]Reference: 37025i- Books
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A philosophical and statistical history of the inventions and customes of ancient and modern nations in the manufacture and use of inebriating liquors : with the present practice of distillation in all its varieties: together with an extensive illustration of the consumption and effects of opium, and other stimulants used in the East, as substitutes for wine and spirits / By Samuel Morewood.
Morewood, Samuel.Date: 1838- Books
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Theorie der Gewinnung und Trennung der ätherischen Öle durch Destillation : (Grundzüge einer allgemeinen Destillationslehre) / von C. von Rechenberg.
Rechenberg, C. von (Carl), 1852-1926.Date: 1910- Archives and manuscripts
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Date: c. 1800Reference: MS.1354- Books
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The art of distillation, or, A treatise of the choicest spagyrical preparations, experiments, and curiosities, performed by way of distillation : together with the description of the choicest furnaces and vessels used by ancient and modern chymists, and the anatomy of gold and silver ... in six books / by John French ... ; to which is added in this fourth impression Sublimation and calcination in two books ; as also The London-distiller.
French, John, 1616-1657Date: 1667- Pictures
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Chemistry: a large vessel for distillation, on a furnace. Woodcut after M. Augusti.
Reference: 47788i- Archives and manuscripts
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M0012937: Illustration of a steam-heated dung bath
Date: April 1953Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/115/62Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
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The complete distiller. Containing, I. The method of performing the various processes of distillation, with descriptions of the several instruments: the whole doctrine of fermentation: the manner of drawing spirits from malt, raisins, molosses, sugar, &c. and of rectifying them: with instructions for imitating, to the greatest perfection, both the colour and flavour of French brandies. II. The manner of distilling all kinds of simple waters from plants, flowers, &c. III. The method of making all the compound waters and rich cordials so largely imported from France and Italy; as likewise all those now made in Great Britain. To which are added, accurate descriptions of the several drugs, plants, flowers, fruits, &c. used by distillers, and instructions for chusing the best of each kind ... / By A. Cooper.
Cooper, A. (Ambrose)Date: 1757- Books
Furni novi philosophici, sive descriptio artis destillatoriæ novæ. Nec non spirituuni, oleorum, florum, aliorumque medicamentorum illius beneficio, facilimâ quâdam & perculiari viâ è vegetabilibus, animalibus & mineralibus conficiendorum & quidem magno cum lucro; agens quoque de illorum usu tàm chymico quàm medico / edita & publicata in gratiam veritatis studiosorum per Joannem Rudolphum Glauberum.
Glauber, Johann Rudolf, 1604-1670.Date: 1651- Archives and manuscripts
M0011827: Reproduction of a woodcut depicting water-bath distillation possibly from Hieronymus Brunschwig's Liber de arte Distillandi de Compositis, 1512
Date: April 1951Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/105/29Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Archives and manuscripts
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M0012933: Illustration of waterbath for distillation
Date: April 1953Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/115/58Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Archives and manuscripts
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M0012936: Illustration of a distiller in his laboratory
Date: April 1953Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/115/61Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Archives and manuscripts
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M0012940: Illustration of a cloth filter
Date: April 1953Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/115/65Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
Del modo di distillare le acque da tutte le piante, et come vi si possino conseruare i loro veri odori, & sapori. / [By P. A. Mattioli.].
Mattioli, Pietro Andrea, 1501-1577.Date: [1604]- Archives and manuscripts
M0011822: Reproduction of a woodcut depicting distillation originally from Von den gebrannten Wassern, 1474
Date: April 1951Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/105/24Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
- Online
Fermented liquors : a treatise on brewing, distilling, rectifying, and manufacturing of sugars, wines, spirits, and all known liquors, including cider and vinegar. Also, hundreds of valuable directions in medicine, metallurgy, pyrotechny, and the arts in general / by Lewis Feuchtwanger.
Feuchtwanger, Lewis, 1805-1876.Date: 1858- Pictures
Three-tiered symbolic diagram of the art of alchemy: top level, symbols of the states of matter; middle level, cabalistic diagrams; lower level, the two techniques of alchemy: distillation and calcination. Engraving by R. Custos, 1616.
Date: 1616Reference: 35413i- Books
Traité raisonné de la distillation, ou la distillation réduite en principes, avec un traité des odeurs / Par m. Déjean, distillateur [pseud.].
Hornot, Antoine.Date: 1778- Pictures
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A man and a woman demonstrating the process of fermentation and distillation in alchemy. Etching, ca. 17th century.
Reference: 36181i- Pictures
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A chemist and his assistant as "puffers" heating a substance in a retort; representing a theatre critic who "puffs" the actor Joseph Holman at the bidding of his editor. Etching attributed to T. Rowlandson, ca. 1786.
Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827.Date: [1786?]Reference: 2477063i- Books
A philosophical and statistical history of the inventions and customs of ancient and modern nations in the manufacture and use of inebriating liquors with the present practice of distillation in all its varieties: together with an extensive illustration of the consumption and effects of opium, and other stimulants used in the East. As substitutes for wine and spirits / By Samuel Morewood.
Morewood, Samuel.Date: 1838- Archives and manuscripts
M. (M.A.C.)
M. (M.A.C.)Date: 1612 -1622Reference: MS.456- Books
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Specification of Josias Christopher Gamble : apparatus for the concentration and crystallization of aluminous and other solutions.
Gamble, Josias Christopher.Date: 1854- Books
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A new booke of destillatyon of waters, called the Treasure of Euonymus : containing the wonderful hid secrets of nature, touching the most apt formes to prepare & destill medicines, for the conservation of helth ... / translated (with great diligence & labour) out of Latin, by Peter Morwyng felowe of Magdaline Colledge in Oxforde ; whereunto is added a profitable table or index for the better finding of al such waters as serue aswel for medicines.
Gessner, Conrad, 1516-1565Date: The first of June, 1565- Pictures
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Chemistry: a large vessel for distillation, on a furnace. Woodcut after M. Augusti.
Reference: 47789i