18 results filtered with: Emigration and immigration
- E-books
- Online
Seeking asylum : human smuggling and bureaucracy at the border / Alison Mountz.
Mountz, Alison.Date: c2010- Books
Impact. 7, HIV and mobility / National AIDS Trust.
Date: 2003- Books
- Online
The 'Brain Drain' : academic and skilled migration to the UK and its impact on Africa : report to the AUT and NATFHE / Alex Nunn.
Nunn, Alex.Date: 2005- Books
State of world population 2006 : moving young / UNFPA.
Date: 2006- Books
UNFPA State of world population, 2006 : a passage to hope: women and international migration / lead author, María José Alcalá ; editor, Patricia Leidl.
Date: [2006], ©2006- Books
Dr. Gundry's diary.
Gundry, John Seager, 1815-Date: 1982-1983- Books
Migration and global environmental change : future challenges and opportunities :Final project report / Government Office for Science.
Date: 2011- Books
- Online
Report of the select committee in relation to quarantine laws of the Port of New York.
Select Committee in Relation to Quarantine Laws of the Port of New York.Date: 1846- Books
L'indispensable pour les voyageurs et immigrés maghrébins : passeport 2011 / Directeur de publication: Tarek Ben Hiba.
Date: 2011- Books
- Online
Instructions to surgeons superintendents of government emigrant ships.
Great Britain. Emigration Commission.Date: 1866- Books
Migration and identity in British history : proceedings of the fifth Anglo-Japanese Conference of Historians / edited by David Bates & Kazuhiko Kondo.
Date: 2006- Journals
Population statistics / European Commission, Eurostat.
Date: 2004-- Books
Human development report 2009 : overcoming barriers : human mobility and development.
Date: 2009- Books
Population mobility and infectious disease / edited by Yorghos Apostolopoulos and Sevil Sönmez ; foreword by Janet Hatcher Roberts.
Date: [2010], ©2010- Books
L'indispensable pour les voyageurs et immigrés maghrébins : passeport 2010 / Directeur de publication: Tarek Ben Hiba.
Date: 2010- Books
International migration of the highly qualified : a bibiliographic and conceptual itinerary / by Anne Marie Gaillard and Jacques Gaillard.
Gaillard, Anne-Marie.Date: 1998- Books
Letters of transit : reflections on exile, identity, language, and loss.
Date: 2000- Books
Impact of the environment on human migration in Eurasia / edited by E. Marian Scott, Andrey Yu. Alekseev and Ganna Zaitseva.
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Impact of the Environment on Human Migration in Eurasia (2003 : Saint Petersburg, Russia)Date: [2004], ©2004