24 results filtered with: Fallopian Tube Neoplasms
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Sequel to the case of primary cancer of the Fallopian tube reported in the thirty-ninth volume of the Society's Transactions / by Alban Doran.
Doran, Alban H. G. (Alban Henry Griffiths), 1849-1927.Date: 1889- Books
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Epithélioma papillaire ou déciduome de la trompe? / par E. Mériel.
Mériel, E.Date: 1908- Books
Clinical and pathological observations on tumours of the ovary, fallopian tube and broad ligament / by Alban H.G. Doran ; with 32 illustrations by the author and C.J. Berjeau.
Doran, Alban H. G. (Alban Henry Griffiths), 1849-1927.Date: 1884- Books
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A propos d'un cas de papillome de la trompe / par M. L. Sencert.
Sencert, M. L.Date: [1912?]- Books
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Primary cancer of the Fallopian tube / by Alban Doran.
Doran, Alban H. G. (Alban Henry Griffiths), 1849-1927.Date: 1888- Books
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Carcinoma of the right fallopian tube readily palpable through the abdomen / by Thomas S. Cullen.
Cullen, Thomas Stephen, 1868-1953.Date: [1911]- Books
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Über das primäre Tubenkarzinom / von Johann Fonyó.
Fonyó, Johann.Date: 1913- Books
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Papilloma of both Fallopian tubes and ovaries / by Alban Doran.
Doran, Alban H. G. (Alban Henry Griffiths), 1849-1927.Date: 1888- Books
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Über primäres Carcinom der Tuben ... / Josef Arendes.
Arendes, Josef.Date: 1900- Books
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Zur Kenntnis des primären Tubenkarzinoms / von Erwin Kehrer.
Kehrer, Erwin, 1874-1959.Date: [1908]- Books
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Primäres Tubencarcinom / vorgelegt von Zdzislaw Dandelski.
Dandelski, Zdzislaw.Date: 1907- Books
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An unreported case of primary cancer of the Fallopian tubes in 1847 : with notes on primary tubal cancer / by Alban Doran.
Doran, Alban H. G. (Alban Henry Griffiths), 1849-1927.Date: 1896- Books
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Papilloma of the Fallopian tube and the relation of hydroperitoneum to tubal disease / by Alban Doran.
Doran, Alban H. G. (Alban Henry Griffiths), 1849-1927.Date: 1887- Books
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Tables of cases of primary cancer of the Fallopian tube reported up to present date (April, 1898) / by Alban Doran.
Doran, Alban H. G. (Alban Henry Griffiths), 1849-1927.Date: 1898- Books
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A case of primary adeno-carcinoma of the Fallopian tube / by Elizabeth Hurdon.
Hurdon, Elizabeth, 1868-1941.Date: 1901- Books
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A table of over fifty complete cases of primary cancer of the Fallopian tubes / by Alban Doran.
Doran, Alban H. G. (Alban Henry Griffiths), 1849-1927.Date: [1904]- Books
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Double tumeur papillaire primitive des trompes de fallope / par M. Danel.
Danel, M.Date: 1907- Books
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Ein Fall von primärem Tubencarcinom / von Bohuslav Nóvy.
Nóvy, Bohuslav.Date: 1900- Books
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Transactions of the North of England Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society.
North of England Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society.Date: 1908- Books
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Primäres Tubencarcinom ... / vorgelegt von Zdzisław Dandelski.
Dandelski, Zdzisław, 1880-Date: 1907- Books
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Ein Fall eines primären Tubenkarzinoms : Demonstration im Verein der̈ Arzte in Steiermark am 10. Mai 1907 / von W. Schauenstein.
Schauenstein, W.Date: [1908]- Books
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Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Tubenkarzinoms / von Siegfried Boxer.
Boxer, Siegfried.Date: 1909- Books
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Primary cancer of the Fallopian tube : with a second series of tables of reported cases (no. 63 to no. 100) / by Alban Doran.
Doran, Alban H. G. (Alban Henry Griffiths), 1849-1927.Date: 1910- Books
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The genesis of carcinoma of the Fallopian tube in hyperplastic salpingitis, with report of a case and a table of twenty-one reported cases / by E. R. Le Count.
Le Count, H. R.Date: 1901