49 results filtered with: Fetal Death
- Books
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Life, birth, and live-birth : a medico-legal study / by Stanley B. Atkinson.
Atkinson, Stanley Bean.Date: 1904- Books
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Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de abortu.Quam... : Eruditorum examini subjicit / Joannes Rogerus Murray, Britannus.
Murray, John Roger.Date: 1787- Books
Miscarriage : The guidelines for good practice / Christine Moulder.
Moulder, Christine.Date: [1991]- Books
Chasing hope : a mother's story of loss, heartbreak and the miracle of hope / a memoir by Amy Daws.
Daws, AmyDate: [2014]- Books
The anthropology of pregnancy loss : comparative studies in miscarriage, stillbirth, and neonatal death / edited by Rosanne Cecil.
Date: 1996- Books
La seconde vie des bébés morts / Dominique Memmi.
Memmi, Dominique.Date: [2011], ©2011- Books
- Online
Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de abortu ... / Eruditorum examini subjicit Joannes Rogerus Murray.
Murray, John Roger.Date: 1787- Books
Experimental researches in artificial respiration in stillborn children, and allied subjects / by Francis Henry Champneys.
Champneys, Francis Henry, 1848-1930.Date: 1887- Books
Table of cases, with weights of the bodies and lungs of live and still-born children / [Alexander Ogston].
Ogston, Alexander, 1844-1929.Date: 1869- Books
- Online
The pathology of intra-uterine death.
Priestley, W. O. (William Overend), 1831-1900.Date: 1887- Books
These precious little people / Frankie Brunker & Gillian Gamble.
Brunker, FrankieDate: 2018- Books
A rainbow baby story : the rainbow after the storm / written by Crystal Falk and Kim Roman.
Falk, CrystalDate: 17 July 2017- Books
Second report from the Social Services Committee : session 1979-80 perinatal and neonatal mortality.
Great Britain. Social Services Committee.Date: 1980- Books
The causation of foetal death : report of an investigation into the factors which determined death in a sample of three hundred foetuses of viable age / by Eardley Holland.
Holland, Eardley (Eardley Lancelot), Sir, 1879-1967 or 1968.Date: 1922- Books
When pregnancy fails : families coping with miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant death / Susan Borg, Judith Lasker.
Borg, Susan, 1947-Date: [1981]- Books
Causes / The Miscarriage Association.
Date: [1991]- Books
Not broken : an approachable guide to miscarriage and recurrent pregnancy loss / Lora Shahine, MD, FACOG.
Shahine, LoraDate: [2017]- Books
The discovery of the physiological method of inducing respiration in cases of apparent death from drowning, chloroform, still-birth, noxious gases, etc., etc., / by Henry R. Silvester.
Silvester, Henry R.Date: 1863- Books
Ethan : what happened to my baby brother? / author, Lisa White.
White, Lisa, 1971-Date: 2007- Books
No new baby : for siblings who have a brother or sister die before birth / by Marilyn Gryte ; illustration and design by Kristi McClendon.
Gryte, Marilyn, 1949-Date: 1998- Books
We are sorry that you have had a miscarriage / Miscarriage Association.
Date: [Between 1990 and 1992?]- Books
Fetal, newborn, and maternal morbidity and mortality : report of the Subcommittee on Factors and Causes of Fetal, Newborn, and Maternal Morbidity and Mortality.
White House Conference on Child Health and Protection (1930. Sect. I: Medical service. Committee on prenatal and maternal care)Date: [1933], ©1933- Books
Grundiss der pathologischen Embryologie des Menschen / von A.P. Dyban ; mit einem Vorwort von P.G. Svetlov.
Dyban, A. P. (Andreĭ Pavlovich)Date: 1962- Books
Support for you when your baby dies / Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Society.
Date: [1990?]- Books
You are my rainbow / written by Mary Kovacs ; illustrated by Kayla Phan.
Kovacs, MaryDate: 2018