16 results filtered with: Fever, epidemiology
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Fièvre épidémique à Maurice en 1866-67 / par J. Labonté.
Labonté, J.Date: [1867?]- Books
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Sur une forme de fièvre fréquente sur les côtes de la Méditerranée / par Louis Hughes.
Hughes, Louis.Date: [1893]- Books
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An enquiry into the nature, and causes of the great mortality among the troops at St. Domingo : with practical remarks on the fever of that island, and directions, for the conduct of Europeans on their first arrival in warm climates / by Hector M'Lean.
McLean, Hector, -1810.Date: 1797- Books
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Observations, &c. on the epidemic disease, which lately prevailed at Gibraltar : intended to illustrate the nature of contagious fevers in general. [Pt. I] / by Seguin Henry Jackson.
Jackson, Seguin Henry, 1752-1816.Date: 1806- Books
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Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de febre continua, quae nuper in hac urbe epidemica fuit : ex exemplis, apud Nosocomium Regium tractatis, deducta ... / eruditorum examini subjicit Robertus Christison.
Christison, Robert, Sir, 1797-1882.Date: 1819- Books
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Remarks on the epidemic fever as it was observed in Dublin, during 1847 and 1848 / by Doctor Frazer.
Frazer, William.Date: 1848- Books
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Memoria sobre la fiebre contagiosa padecida en la ciudad de Málaga en el otoño último : su orígen, curso y aumento á que ha dado lugar / presentada al Gefe superior político de la provincia por José Mendoza.
Mendoza, José.Date: 1822- Books
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On the changes in the constitution of fevers and inflammations in Edinburgh, during the last forty years / by Robert Christison.
Christison, Robert, Sir, 1797-1882.Date: 1858- Books
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Report of the Commissioners of Health, Ireland, on the epidemics of 1846 to 1850 / presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty.
Date: 1852- Books
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Des fièvres pernicieuses épidémiques observées à Bone (Afrique) : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier, le 4 août 1837 / par Abeille (Jonas-Louis).
Abeille, Jonas Louis, 1809-Date: 1837- Books
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Dissertation sur la fièvre qui a régné a Livourne en 1804 / par P. Guigou.
Guigou, P.Date: 1810- Books
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Rapport sur l'épidémie de Hindié, dans l'Irak-Arabi, en 1867 / par G. Naranzi.
Naranzi, G.Date: 1868- Books
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Observations on the influence of epidemics of fever in checking the advance of those of cholera / by Robert Lawson.
Lawson, Robert.Date: [1870]- Books
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An inquiry into the causes which produce, preserve, and propagate febrile contagious diseases, in Newcastle and Gateshead : with a detail of interesting facts, relative to the fever which prevailed in the months of October and November last, accompanied with a report of the unfortunate persons of respectability who fell victims to the disease, and a correct statement of the fever as it appeared amongst the military, general remarks on the disease, the decisive means of insuring the safety of the inhabitants, &c. &c. / by a Member of the College of Surgeons in London, &c. &c. &c.
Member of the College of Surgeons in London.Date: 1804- Books
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Medical report of the Fever Department in Steevens' Hospital : containing a brief account of the late epidemic in Dublin, from September 1817, to August 1819 / by John Crampton.
Crampton, John, -1840.Date: 1819- Books
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Some observations on the bilious fevers of 1797, 1798, & 1799 / by Richard Pearson.
Pearson, Richard, 1765-1836.Date: 1799