19 results filtered with: Fibrin
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Fibrin : its origin and development in the animal organism, and its relation to life, health, longevity, and disease / by John Goodman.
Date: 1878- Books
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On the origin of the fibrin ferment / by L.C. Wooldridge ; communicated by M. Foster.
Wooldridge, Leonard Charles, 1857-1889.Date: 1884- Books
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Ueber den Ursprung der faserstoffgebenden Substanzen des Blutes ...
Kollmann, Paul.Date: 1891- Books
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Nouvelles études chimiques sur le sang / par L.R. Le Canu. Mémoire lu à l'Académie des sciences, de l'Institut, dans la séance du 5 juillet 1852, suivi du rapport de MM. Thénard, Dumas et Andral.
Le Canu, Louis René, 1800-1871.Date: 1852- Books
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Note on the state in which fibrin exists in the blood / by Andrew Anderson.
Anderson, Andrew, 1818-1870.Date: [1844]- Books
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Note on the formation of fibrine / by Mrs. Ernest Hart.
Hart, Mrs Ernest, 1848-1931.Date: 1882- Books
Fibrin : its origin and development in the animal organism, and its relation to life, health, longevity, and disease, an incontrovertible argument in favour of the hydropathic system / by John Goodman.
Goodman, John, M.D.Date: 1878- Books
Trombin [i.e. Thrombin]-Fibrinprodukte und ihre therapeutische Anwendung / von Daniel Bagdy, Michael Gerendás [und] Ladislaus Winter.
Bagdy, Daniel.Date: 1963- Books
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Études chimiques sur le sang humain. Thèse présentée et soutenue à la faculté de Médecine de Paris, le 23 novembre 1837 / par Louis-René Le Canu.
Le Canu, Louis René, 1800-1871.Date: 1837- Books
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Some considerations with respect to the blood : founded on one or two very simple experiments on that fluid / by Benjamin G. Babington.
Babington, B. G. (Benjamin Guy), 1794-1866.Date: 1831- Books
Fibrinogen / edited by Koloman Laki.
Date: 1968- Books
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Dissertação, Cadeira de Anatomia Pathologica : contribuições á origem da fibrina sobre as serosas em differentes condições pathologicas : proposições tres sobre cada uma das cadeiras da Faculdade : these apresentada á Faculdade de Medicina e de Pharmacia do Rio de Janeiro em 30 de Março de 1897 para ser sustentada / pelo Dr. Luiz Apel.
Apel, Luiz.Date: 1897- Books
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Fibrin : its origin and development in the animal organism, and its relation to life, health, longevity, and disease, an incontrovertible argument in favour of the hydropathic system / by John Goodman.
Goodman, John.Date: 1878- Books
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Fibrin : its origin and sources of development in the animal organism, veritable fibrin being proved to be derived from albuminous substances by the agency of water / by John Goodman.
Date: 1871- Books
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Fibrin, its origin and sources of development in the animal organism : veritable fibrin being proved to be derived from albuminous substances by the agency of water / by John Goodman.
Goodman, John.Date: 1871- Books
- Online
Fibrin, its origin and development in the animal organism, and its relation to life, health, longevity, and disease / by John Goodman.
Goodman, J. F. B.Date: 1878- Books
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On the coagulation of the blood and other fibriniferous liquids.
Buchanan, Andrew, 1798-1882.Date: [1845]- Books
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Upon a new styptic, and upon the possibility of increasing the coagulability of the blood in the vessels in case of haemophilia and aneurysm and internal haemorrhage / by A.E. Wright.
Wright, Almroth, 1861-1947.Date: 1891- Books
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Remarks on the fibrinous element of the blood in relation to disease : read before the Medical Society of London, Nov. 15, 1851 / by Benjamin W. Richardson.
Richardson, Sir Benjamin Ward, (1828-1897)Date: 1851