26 results filtered with: Flatulence
- Books
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Intestinal flatulence / by Howard F. Warner, M.B., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.
Warner, Howard F.Date: [1913?]- Books
- Online
De tympanitide : dissertatio inauguralis medica ... / auctor Ferdin. Schmidt.
Schmidt, Ferdinand.Date: 1825- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
M0009667: A lecture on pneumatics at the Royal Institution, London
Date: 25 September 1946Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/85/24Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Archives and manuscripts
'Cardiospasm' -- megaloesophagus -- 'Achalasia' of the cardia, etc. Spasmodic stricture and dilation of oesophagus ('Idiopathic dilation')
Date: 1906-1955Reference: PP/FPW/B.57Part of: Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)- Books
- Online
Quelques mots sur la tympanite : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier, le 30 mars 1836 / par Vincent-Boniface Okuszko.
Okuszko, Vincent Boniface.Date: 1836- Pictures
- Online
A man looking through a magnifying glass at a picture of a monkey, whose flatulence extinguishes the flame of a candle; representing the pleasures of the sense of sight. Engraving, 17--.
Reference: 27128i- Pictures
The goddess Venus with Cupid, surrounded by flaming hearts, serpents and two demons farting at the globe. Engraving by E. Delaune, c. 1560.
Delaune, Etienne, 1518?-1583.Date: 1560Reference: 25875i- Books
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Practical observations on disorders of the stomach : with remarks on the use of the bile in promoting digestion / by George Rees.
Rees, George, 1776-1846.Date: 1810- Books
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On the relief of excessive and dangerous tympanites, by puncture of the abdomen : a memoir / by John W. Ogle.
Ogle, John W. (John William), 1824-1905.Date: 1888- Books
Curious behavior : yawning, laughing, hiccupping, and beyond / Robert R. Provine.
Provine, Robert R.Date: 2012- Books
On the relief of excessive and dangerous tympanites, by puncture of the abdomen : a memoir / by John W. Ogle.
Ogle, John W. (John William), 1824-1905.Date: 1888- Books
- Online
Un nouveau cas d'aspiration rectale et d'anus musical chez la femme / par Marcel Baudouin.
Baudouin, Marcel, 1860-1941.Date: 1898- Ephemera
By the King's patent : His Majesty having been graciously pleased to grant his royal letters patents, bearing date at Westminster, the 17th day of October 1751, in the 25th year of his reign, unto Richard Rock, of the parish of St. Bridget, otherwise Bride's, London, licentiate in medicine, for his new compound medicine, or anti-venereal cathartick electuary, for the true cure of fresh venereal injuries ... at the same place may be had, Viper Drops ...
Date: [1751?]- Books
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Die Blähungskrankheiten : Magenblähungen, Emphysem, Windkolik, Windsucht der Gedärme und der Gebärmutter, Gase im Blute, &c., und ihre Heilung, nach den Erfahrungen der Aerzte aller Zeiten und des Verfassers / von Vlad. Alf. Szerlecki.
Szerlecki, Wadysaw Alfred, 1811-1884.Date: 1841- Books
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Flatulence and shock / by F.G. Crookshank.
Crookshank, F. G. (Francis Graham), 1873-1933.Date: 1913- Books
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Lectures on the diseases of the stomach : with an introduction on its anatomy and physiology / by William Brinton.
Brinton, William, 1823-1867.Date: MDCCCLXIV [1864]- Books
- Online
Pneumato-pathologie, ou traité des maladies venteuses / traduit du latin de M. Combalusier ... par M. J.
Combaluzier, François-de-Paule, 1714?-1762.Date: 1754- Pictures
- Online
A lecture on pneumatics at the Royal Institution, London. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1802.
Gillray, James, 1756-1815.Date: May 23 1802Reference: 1i- Books
Gulp : adventures on the alimentary canal / Mary Roach.
Roach, Mary.Date: 2013- Pictures
- Online
A man and a woman riding on horseback outside Cambridge: the man's horse is flatulent. Etching after H.W. Bunbury.
Bunbury, Henry William, 1750-1811.Reference: 28510i- Books
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Dissertatio inauguralis medica de tympanitide ... / exponit Josephus de Flüe.
Flüe, Josef de.Date: 1783- Books
- Online
Dissertatio inauguralis medico-practica de meteorismo, ejusque praecipuis speciebus ... / submittit Joan. Georgius Plenker.
Plenker, Johann Georg.Date: 1783- Videos
Guts the strange and mysterious world of the human stomach.
Date: 2012- Archives and manuscripts
Clinical coprology (3rd series) etc
Date: 1911-1955Reference: PP/FPW/B.74/3Part of: Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)- Pictures
- Online
An obese woman hoisted upon her servant's back as her doctor's prescribed cure for flatulence. Coloured etching by A. Sharpshooter, 1829.
Sharpshooter, A.Date: 30 November 1829Reference: 11184iPart of: Cases of a celebrated M.D.