21 results filtered with: Four elements (Philosophy)
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Vulcan in his forge with Jupiter throwing bolts of lightning, Venus in the sky above: symbolising the element fire. Engraving by E. Baudet, 1695, after F. Albani.
Albani, Francesco, 1578-1660.Date: 1695Reference: 23618i- Pictures
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The four qualities, elements, humours and temperaments. Drawing, 19--.
Date: 1900-1999Reference: 566786i- Pictures
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Four phases of the Earth's rotation around the sun showing the seasons, with allegories of the four elements. Engraving, 1750.
Date: [1750]Reference: 46592i- Pictures
Three-tiered symbolic diagram of the art of alchemy: top level, symbols of the states of matter; middle level, cabalistic diagrams; lower level, the two techniques of alchemy: distillation and calcination. Engraving by R. Custos, 1616.
Date: 1616Reference: 35413i- Pictures
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Juno in a chariot drawn by two peacocks flying through the sky surrounded by nymphs and cherubs, Jupiter on the ground trying to lock up a group of putti: symbolising the element air. Engraving by E. Baudet, 1695, after F. Albani.
Albani, Francesco, 1578-1660.Date: 1695Reference: 23639i- Pictures
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A man made up out of chemical apparatus, symbols, and chemicals. Coloured lithograph.
Reference: 37833i- Pictures
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Cybele wearing a turreted crown and holding a sceptre; in the background men work on the land; representing Earth, one of the four elements. Engraving by J. Sadeler, 1587, after D. Barendsz.
Barendsz, Dirck, 1534-1592.Date: 1587Reference: 26866i- Books
Ein kurtzer Tractat von der Natur der Elementen : vnd wie sie den Wind, Regen, Blitz vnnd Donner vervrsachen, &c. / Durch Cornelium Drebbel in nider teutsch geschrieben, ; vnd allen der Natur Liebhabern zu Nutz ins hoch teutsch getrewlich vbergesetzt, durch Johann Ernst Burggreffen.
Drebbel, Cornelis, 1572?-1633.Date: M DC XXVIII. [1628]- Pictures
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An alchemical adept carrying the vase of Hermes, which is inscribed "Let us go to seek the nature of the four elements". Watercolour painting by E.A. Ibbs.
Ibbs, Edith A.Date: 1900-1909Reference: 38701iPart of: Splendor solis- Pictures
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Juno with her peacock in the clouds; representing the element of air. Engraving by J. Sadeler, 1587, after D. Barendsz.
Barendsz, Dirck, 1534-1592.Date: 1587Reference: 26868i- Pictures
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The Hermetic androgyne; representing the stages of the alchemical Work in One. Watercolour painting by E.A. Ibbs.
Ibbs, Edith A.Date: 1900-1909Reference: 38739iPart of: Splendor solis- Pictures
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Cybele, Bacchus, Ceres and Flora on a chariot drawn by lions surrounded by all forms of natural abundance and cherubs, symbolising the element earth. Engraving by E. Baudet, 1695, after F. Albani.
Albani, Francesco, 1578-1660.Date: 1695Reference: 23641i- Pictures
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Venus riding a scallop shell chariot over the seas accompanied by Neptune, nymphs and cherubs, symbolising the element water. Engraving by E. Baudet, 1695, after F. Albani.
Albani, Francesco, 1578-1660.Date: 1695Reference: 23640i- E-books
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Elemental philosophy : earth, air, fire, and water as environmental ideas / David Macauley.
Macauley, David.Date: c2010- Books
Feuer, Wasser, Erde, Luft : eine Kulturgeschichte der Elemente / Gernot Böhme, Hartmut Böhme.
Böhme, Gernot.Date: [1996], ©1996- Pictures
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Men digging minerals; a phoenix being reborn; a pelican feeding its chicks with its blood; symbols of the four elements; an apothecary's shop. Engraving by J. Drapentier, 1677.
Tachenius, Otto, -approximately 1670.Date: 1677Reference: 567815i- Pictures
Cybele, accompanied by Bacchus and Ceres, is carried on a chariot drawn by lions, surrounded by ancillary deities and followers; representing the element earth. Engraving by C. Dupuis, 1721, after Louis de Boullogne the younger.
Boulogne, Louis, 1654-1733.Date: [1721]Reference: 3069786i- Pictures
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Female figures representing the elements of air, earth and water. Etching by G. Vascellini after A. Fedi the elder after bas-relief in Florence.
Reference: 26863i- Pictures
Man and the four elements.
Weiditz, Hans, approximately 1495-approximately 1536Date: [1531]Reference: 3334587i- Pictures
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The four elements and the four qualities. Airbrush by Lois Hague, 1991.
Hague, Lois.Date: [1991]Reference: 112i- Pictures
A young woman, perhaps Prudentia, warns an alchemist of the dangers of abusing fire: in the background fires rage in buildings and mines. Engraving by C. de Passe after M. de Vos, 16th century.
Vos, Maarten de, 1532-1603.Reference: 35332i