115 results filtered with: Fractures, Bone
- Books
Medullary nailing of Küntscher / by Lorenz Böhler.
Böhler, Lorenz, 1885-1973.Date: 1948- Books
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Les fractures des os longs : leur traitement pratique / par J. Hennequin [et] Robert Loewy.
Hennequin, J.Date: 1904- Books
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A practical treatise on fractures and dislocations / by Frank Hastings Hamilton.
Hamilton, Frank Hastings, 1813-1886.Date: 1875- Books
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Fractures, dislocations, deformities and diseases of the lower extremities / by Hugh Owen Thomas.
Thomas, Hugh Owen, 1834-1891.Date: 1890- Videos
Disorders of the skeletal system : new perspectives in bone grafting.
Date: 1976- Books
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Essai sur les fractures : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier, le 3 février 1840 / par A.-F.-A. Lebrun.
Lebrun, A.F.A.Date: 1839 [i.e. 1840]- Books
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Traité clinique et pratique des fractures chez les enfants / par A. Coulon ; revu et précédé d'un préface par le dr Marjolin.
Coulon, Amédée.Date: 1861- Books
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On the occurrence of non-union after fractures : its causes and treatment / by George W. Norris.
Norris, George W. (George Washington), 1808-1875.Date: [1842]- Books
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Practical observations in surgery / by Henry Earle.
Earle, Henry, 1789-1838.Date: 1823- Books
Information booklet for: patients in plaster / Watford General Hospital Fracture Clinic.
Watford General Hospital. Fracture Clinic.Date: [2011]- Books
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Des fractures du métatarse : leur diagnostic et leurs rapports avec la loi sur les accidents du travail : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier le 30 mai 1902 / par Emmanuel Coulet.
Coulet, Emmanuel, 1875-Date: 1902- Books
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On the use massage and early passive movements in recent fractures and other common surgical injuries : and the treatment of internal derangements of the knee joint. Three clinical lectures delivered at St. George's Hospital / by William H. Bennett.
Bennett, William H.Date: 1900- Books
Treatise on direct immobilisation of bony fragments in fractures / by L.-J.-B. Bérenger Féraud ; translation by Prof. Christopher Colton, MB, BS, LRCP, FRCSEng, FRCSEd and David Charles Adams.
Bérenger-Féraud, L.-J.-B. (Laurent-Jean-Baptiste), 1832-1900Date: 2023- Books
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A practical treatise on fractures and dislocations / by Frank Hastings Hamilton.
Hamilton, Frank Hastings, 1813-1886.Date: 1863- Books
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Atlas und Grundriss der traumatischen Frakturen und Luxationen / von H. Helferich ; mit 76 Tafeln und 238 Figuren im Text von Maler B. Keilitz.
Helferich, H. (Heinrich), 1851-1945.Date: 1906- Books
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A case of fracture of the os innominatum, and death in connection with the administration of sulphuric ether : communicated to the Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati / by W.H. Mussey.
Mussey, William Heberden, 1818-1882.Date: [1861]- Books
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Transverse fracture of the patella / by Dr. Alderson.
Alderson, Frederick Henry.Date: [1887?]- Books
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A practical treatise on fractures and dislocations / by Frank Hastings Hamilton.
Hamilton, Frank Hastings, 1813-1886.Date: 1871- Books
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Lettsomian lectures on the physical constitution, diseases, and fractures of bones / by John Bishop.
Bishop, John, 1797-1873.Date: 1855- Books
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De fracta clavicula : dissertatio anatomico-chirurgica.
Dubois, Antoine, 1756-1837.Date: 1787- Books
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On the advantages of the starched apparatus in the treatment of fractures and diseases of joints : being the first part of an essay to which the Council of University College have awarded the Liston Clinical Medal / by Joseph Sampson Gamgee.
Gamgee, Joseph Sampson.Date: 1853- Books
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Essays on fractures and luxations / by John Aitken.
Aitken, John, -1790.Date: 1800- Books
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Remarks upon fractures of the scapula, with cases presenting striking peculiarities : read before the Medical Society of the State of Georgia, at their annual meeting in Augusta, April 8, 1857 / by L.A. Dugas.
Dugas, L. A. (Louis Alexander), 1806-1884.Date: 1857- Books
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Remarks on fractures : read at the annual meeting of the Massachusetts Medical Society, May 27, 1840.
Peirson, A. L. (Abel Lawrence), 1794-1853.Date: 1840- Books
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Chirurgie opératoire des fractures / par Albin Lambotte.
Lambotte, Albin.Date: 1913