24 results filtered with: Gastrostomy
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Gastrostomy : establishment of a gastric fistula, in a case of stricture of the oesophagus / by George Buchanan.
Buchanan, George, 1827-1905.Date: [1881]- Books
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La gastrostomia nei restringimenti dell'esofago : storie cliniche e considerazioni / del Prof. Andrea Ceccherelli.
Ceccherelli, Andrea.Date: [1884]- Books
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A surgical study : gastrotomy and gastrostomy / by J.H. Pooley.
Pooley, J. H. (James Henry), 1839-1897.Date: 1876- Books
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Over gastrostomieën : statistisch en critisch onderzoek naar de beste wijze, waarop bij vernauwing van den slokdarm eene maagfistel wordt aangelegd : proefschrift, ter verkrijging van den graad van doctor in de geneeskunde, aan de Rijks-Universiteit te Groningen ... / door Campegius Lambertus Vitringa.
Vitringa, Campegius Lambertus.Date: 1884- Books
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Surgery of the stomach, with report of cases : one case of gastrostomy, two cases of gastrectomy / by Albert Vander Veer.
Vander Veer, A. (Albert), 1841-1929.Date: 1903- Books
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Gastrostomy, radical cure of hernia, and thyroidectomy : an address delivered at the opening of the Section on Surgery at the Annual Meeting of the British Medical Association, held in Belfast, July and August, 1884 / by Sir William Mac Cormac.
Maccormac, William, Sir, 1836-1901.Date: 1884- Books
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A case of gastrostomy performed for stricture of the œsophagus in a woman, aged sixty-six, who survived the operation eighteen months / by R.J. Pye-Smith.
Pye-Smith, R. J.Date: 1881- Videos
Superdoctors. Part 1, Robot surgeons.
Date: 2008- Books
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Ueber Gastrostomie / von Carl Maydl.
Maydl, Carl, 1853-1903.Date: 1882- Books
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On gastrostomy : being a paper read in the Section of Surgery at the Annual Meeting of the British Medical Association, held in Glasgow, August, 1888 / by James Murphy.
Murphy, James.Date: [1888]- Books
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A case of volvulus of the small intestine at a Meckel's diverticulum : together with some observations on 'subacute ileus' and the performance of gastrostomy for paralysis of the small intestine / by K.G. Lennander.
Lennander, Karl Gustav, 1857-1908.Date: 1907- Books
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Quelques considérations sur la gastrostomie pour cancer de l'oesophagie / par Georges Gross.
Gross, Georges.Date: [1899?]- Books
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Gastrostomy in malignant disease of the oesophagus / by T. Whitehead Reid.
Reid, T. Whitehead.Date: [1884]- Books
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Über den Wert der Gastrostomie bei Carcinom des Oesophagus und der Cardia ... / von Heinr. Jos. Breuers.
Breuers, Heinrich Jos., 1873-Date: 1898- Books
Case of gastrotomy / by Francis Troup.
Troup, Francis.Date: 1872- Books
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De la gastrostomie dans les rétrécissements non cancéreux de l'oesophage / par Marcel Cohen.
Cohen, Marcel.Date: 1885- Books
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A plea for the earlier performance of gastrostomy / by A.W. Mayo Robson.
Robson, Arthur William Mayo, Sir, 1853-1933.Date: 1897- Books
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Die Gastrostomie bei carcinomatoeser Strictur des Oesophagus : ein Beitrag zur Statistik dieser Operation / von Carl Johansen.
Johansen, C. A. (Carl A.)Date: 1888- Books
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Traité de la gastro-stomie / par L. Henri Petit ; précédé d'une introduction par M. le Professeur Verneuil.
Date: 1879- Books
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Ueber Gastrostomie : im Anschluss an 29 Fälle, welche in den Jahren 1890-1902 in der chirurgischen Universitätsklinik zu München operiert wurden ... / vorgelegt von Wilhelm Dieterich.
Dieterich, Wilhelm, 1877-Date: 1902- Books
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La gastrostomie / par J. Braquehaye.
Braquehaye, J.Date: 1900- Books
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Note sur la gastrostomie dans le cancer de l'oesophage / par Henri Hartmann.
Hartmann, Henri (Henri Albert Charles Antoine), 1860-1952.Date: [1890?]- Books
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Kasuistische Beiträge zur Gastrostomie bei Oesophaguscarcinom ... / vorgelegt von David Koenigsberger.
Koenigsberger, David.Date: 1896- Books
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Gastrostomy for traumatic stricture of the esophagus : report of case / by George Ben Johnston.
Johnston, George Ben, 1853-1916.Date: 1899