646 results filtered with: Heart Diseases
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Practical manual of the diseases of the heart and great vessels ... / By F.A. Aran ... Translated from the French, by Wm. A. Harris, M.D.
Aran, F. A. (François Amilcar), 1817-1861.Date: 1843- Books
De polypo cordis dissertatio : A treatise on cardiac polyps / [With an English translation by J.M. Forrester, Londini, Scott & Wells, 1686.
Malpighi, Marcello, 1628-1694.Date: 1956]- Books
Diseases of the heart : a clinical text-book for the use of students and practitioners of medicine / by Edmund Henry Colbeck.
Colbeck, Edmund Henry, 1865-1942.Date: 1904- Books
A heart too good to die : a shocking story of sudden cardiac arrest / Jeremy Whitehead; foreword by David A. Rubin.
Whitehead, Jeremy.Date: 2008- Books
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Essays in heart and lung disease / by Arthur Foxwell.
Foxwell, Arthur.Date: 1895- Videos
Clinico-pathological conferences. 3, The case of Mr Lister I-III.
Date: 1978-84- Books
Heart disease / Philip Johansson.
Johansson, Philip.Date: [1998], ©1998- Books
The nervous heart : its nature, causation, prognosis and treatment / by R.M. Wilson and John H. Carroll.
Wilson, R. M. (Robert Morrison), 1850-Date: 1919- Books
- Online
Die Krankheiten des Herzens systematisch bearbeitet und durch eigne Beobachtungen erläutert / von Friedrich Ludwig Kreysig.
Kreysig, Friedrich Ludwig, 1770-1839.Date: 1814-1817- Books
The Schott methods of the treatment of chronic diseases of the heart : with an account of the Nauheim baths, and of the therapeutic exercises / by W. Bezly Thorne.
Thorne, W. Bezly.Date: 1895- Books
Cardiology / Desmond G. Julian.
Julian, Desmond G. (Desmond Gareth)Date: 1978- Videos
Medicine men go wild. Part 3, Healthiest hearts.
Date: 2008- Books
Observationum et curationum medicinalium libri duo: nempe decimus sextus de pectoris pulmonisqúe vitiis ac morbis: et decimus septimus de cordis ac quibusdam mamillarum affectibus. In quibus eorum caussae, signa, prognoses, curatio graphicè depinguntur: etiam adiectis scholiis. Cum rerum & locorum insignium plenissimo indice ... / [Pieter van Foreest].
Foreest, Pieter van, 1522-1597.Date: 1602- Books
- Online
Memoir on the influence of hypertrophy and dilatation on diseases of the heart : and on some points in their diagnosis and treatment / by A. Halliday Douglas.
Douglas, Andrew Halliday, 1819-1908.Date: 1850- Books
How your heart works / Veronique Warnod & Carole Emile.
Warnod, Véronique.Date: 2001- Audio
Coronary artery surgery.
Date: 2005- Books
Transactions of the Congress of American Physicians and Surgeons : fourteenth triennial session held at Washington, D.C., May 1st and 2nd, 1928.
Congress of American Physicians and Surgeons. Session 1928 : Washington, D.C.)Date: 1929- Books
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Nonnulla de morbis cordis organicis : dissertatio inauguralis medica ... / auctor Isr. Julius Philipp.
Philipp, Israel Julius.Date: 1832- Books
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Die Krankheiten des Herzens und ihre Behandlung / von O. Rosenbach.
Rosenbach, O. (Ottomar), 1851-1907.Date: 1897- Books
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Studies on acidosis and dyspnea in renal and cardiac disease / Francis W. Peabody, Boston.
Peabody, Francis Weld, 1881-1927Date: 1914- Books
Cardiopathies acquises et congénitales de l'enfant leur traitement : sous la direction de Maurice Kaplan et Jean Weill ; avec la collaboration de C. Attal ... [et al.].
Date: 1969- Books
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Remarks on aneurism and diseases of the heart at Aldershot / by Inspector-General Lawson.
Lawson, Robert.Date: 1870- Books
- Online
Lectures on subjects connected with clinical medicine, comprising diseases of the heart / by P.M. Latham.
Latham, P. M. (Peter Mere), 1789-1875.Date: 1846- Archives and manuscripts
National Association for the Prevention of Consumption and other forms of Tuberculosis, successor and associated bodies
National Association for the Prevention of Consumption and other forms of TuberculosisDate: 1890s-1990sReference: SA/NPT- Books
- Online
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the heart / by Constantin Paul ; tr. from the French.
Paul, Constantin, 1833-1896.Date: 1884