15 results filtered with: Illustration of books
- Books
Written texts--visual texts : woodblock-printed media in early modern Japan / edited by Susanne Formanek and Sepp Linhart.
Date: 2005- Books
English coloured books / by Martin Hardie.
Hardie, Martin, 1875-1952.Date: [1906]- Books
- Online
The pictorial press : its origin and progress / by Mason Jackson.
Jackson, Mason, 1819-1903.Date: 1885- Books
Prints for books : book illustration in France, 1760-1800 / Antony Griffiths.
Griffiths, Antony.Date: 2004- Books
A millennium of the book : production, design & illustration in manuscript & print, 900-1900 / edited by Robin Myers & Michael Harris.
Date: 1994- Books
The history of Japanese printing and book illustration / David Chibbett.
Chibbett, D. G. (David G.)Date: 1977- Books
The wood engravings of Joan Hassall : with an introduction / by Ruari McLean.
McLean, Ruari.Date: 1960- Books
- Online
Les arts et les industries du papier en France, 1871-1894 / par Marius Vachon.
Vachon, Marius, 1850-1928.Date: [1894]- Books
The Art of the French book from early manuscripts to the present time / edited by André Lejard ; introdudction by Philip James.
Date: [1947]- Books
The art and practice of printing : a work in six volumes / general editor: Wm. Atkins.
Date: 1932-1933- Books
Voyage into substance : art, science, nature, and the illustrated travel account, 1760-1840 / Barbara Maria Stafford.
Stafford, Barbara Maria, 1941-Date: [1984], ©1984- Books
Graphic design : with special reference to lettering, typography, and illustration / by John Lewis and John Brinkley.
Lewis, John, 1912-1996.Date: 1954- Books
The Arcadian Library : western appreciation of Arab and Islamic civilization / by Alastair Hamilton.
Hamilton, Alastair, 1941-Date: 2011- Books
Catalogue, book illustration of the sixties, January 18 to December 31, 1923.
Tate Gallery.Date: 1923]- Books
- Online
Modern methods of illustrating books / [Henry Trueman Wood].
Wood, Henry Trueman, 1845-1929.Date: 1887