146 results filtered with: Infant Mortality
- Books
Neonatal mortality and morbidity / report by a joint committee of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the British Paediatric Association.
Joint Committee on Neonatal Mortality and Morbidity.Date: 1949- Books
Reproducing the British Caribbean : sex, gender, and population politics after slavery / Juanita De Barros.
De Barros, JuanitaDate: [2014]- Books
Enquiry into sudden death in infancy.
Great Britain. Ministry of Health.Date: 1965- Books
- Online
A paper on excessive infant mortality, its causes and their removal : read at the eighth annual meeting of the National Association, for the Promotion of Social Science, held at York, September, 1864.
Trench, William Stewart, 1809-1877.Date: 1864- Books
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Causes & prophylaxie de la mortalité des enfants mis en nourrice dans le département des Basses-Alpes : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier le 29 juillet 1905 / par Paul Alamelle.
Alamelle, Paul.Date: 1905- Books
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Excessive infant-mortality : how can it be stayed? : a paper contributed to the National Social Science Association, (London meeting) : to which is added a short paper, reprinted from the Lancet, on infant-alimentation, or artificial feeding, as a substitute for breast-milk, considered in its physical and social aspects / by M.A. Baines.
Baines, Mary Anne.Date: [1862]- Books
The trained midwife : her effect upon infant mortality / by Alfred Robinson.
Robinson, Alfred.Date: 1909- Books
The physical and mental growth of prematurely born children / by Julius H. Hess, George J. Mohr, Phyllis F. Bartelme.
Hess, Julius H., 1876-1955.Date: [1934]- Books
The anthropology of pregnancy loss : comparative studies in miscarriage, stillbirth, and neonatal death / edited by Rosanne Cecil.
Date: 1996- Books
La seconde vie des bébés morts / Dominique Memmi.
Memmi, Dominique.Date: [2011], ©2011- Books
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The influence of the age of parents on the vitality of their children / by Joseph Korösi.
Kőrösi, József, 1844-1906.Date: 1891- Archives and manuscripts
Spilsbury, Sir Bernard (1877-1947), Forensic Pathologist
Spilsbury, BernardDate: c.1880s-c.1950sReference: PP/SPI- Books
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Sulle perdite che subisce annualmente l'Italia per il numero eccessivo di morti e di malattie nell'età infantile / L. Concetti.
Concetti, Luigi, 1854-1920.Date: 1896- Books
Child life investigations : maternal syphilis as a cause of death of the foetus and of the new-born child / by John Norman Cruickshank.
Cruickshank, John Norman, 1884-Date: 1924- Books
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Histories extracted from the records of 52 infants dying in one year, who were under the observation of the City of Bradford Infants' Department.
Bradford (West Yorkshire, England). Infants' Department.Date: [date of publication not identified]- Books
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The duty of the state to its infants / by Reuel A. Benson.
Benson, Reuel Allen, 1877-Date: [1909]- Books
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Étude statistique sur la mortalité infantile à Montpellier, de 1892 à 1901 : déductions étiologiques et prophylactiques : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue devant la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier le 26 juillet 1902 / par Marie Vinsonneau.
Vinsonneau, Marie, 1879-Date: 1902- Books
Infant mortality in Erith, 1894-1930 / by Kate Holloway.
Holloway, Kate.Date: 1995- Books
Syphilis in relation to infant mortality and public health / by F.W. Mott.
Mott, F. W. (Frederick Walker), 1853-1926.Date: 1914- Books
- Online
De la mortalité des enfants du premier âge dans le département de Vaucluse : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier le 20 décembre 1901 / par Fortune Bec.
Bec, Fortune, 1878-Date: 1901- Books
Birth-weight distribution, an indicator of social development / edited by Göran Sterky and Lotta Mellander ; language consultant, Don Hinrichsen.
Date: 1978- Books
On the sex of the child as a cause of difficulty and danger in human parturition / [J.Y. Simpson].
Simpson, James Young, 1811-1870.Date: 1855- Books
The diet and health of isolated populations / George Wadsworth.
Wadsworth, George, 1916-Date: 1984- Books
- Online
Memoir on the sex of the child as a cause of difficulty and danger in human parturition / by J.Y. Simpson.
Simpson, James Young, 1811-1870.Date: [1844]- Books
- Online
Infant mortality in Scotland / the report of a sub-committee of the Scientific Advisory Committee.
Great Britain. Department of Health for Scotland. Scientific Advisory Committee on Medical Administration and Investigation.Date: 1943