56 results filtered with: Larynx
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Nouvelles recherches sur la phonation : mémoire présenté et lu à l'Académie des sciences le 15 avril 1861 / par Ch. Battaille.
Battaille, Charles Amable, 1822-1872.Date: 1861- Books
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On throat deafness : and the pathological connections of the throat, nose, and ear / by James Yearsley.
Yearsley, James, 1805-1869.Date: 1852- Books
Der Kehlkopf des Menschen / von Hubert v. Luschka.
Luschka, Hubert von, 1820-1875.Date: 1871- Journals
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The journal of laryngology and rhinology
Date: 1887-1891- Books
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L'intubation laryngée dans le croup : étude critique et clinique / par Alexandre Hugues.
Date: 1895- Books
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Uber Pachydermia Laryngis mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Plica Interarytaenoidea / vom O. Chiari.
Date: 1891- Books
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Icones organorum humanorum gustus et vocis / Samuelis Thomae Soemmerring.
Soemmerring, Samuel Thomas von, 1755-1830.Date: 1808- Books
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Laryngeal hemorrhage / by J.W. Gleitsmann.
Gleitsmann, Joseph William, 1840-1914.Date: 1885- Pictures
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The larynx and other organs in the neck. Lithograph by J. Maclise, 1841/1844.
Maclise, Joseph.Date: [1841/1844]Reference: 579565i- Books
Observations on the physiology of the larynx / by John Wyllie.
Wyllie, John, 1844-1916.Date: 1866- Books
A practical treatise on foreign bodies in the air-passages / by S.D. Gross.
Gross, Samuel D. (Samuel David), 1805-1884.Date: 1854- Books
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Note sur le spéculum laryngien : présentée à l'Académie des sciences / par le Dr de Labordette.
Labordette, A. de.Date: 1866- Books
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La diphtérie, depuis Arétée le cappadocien jusqu'en 1894 : avec les résultats statistiques de la sérumthérapie sur deux cent trent mille cas : tubage du larynx historique, instrumentation, technique, séméiotique / par Raoul Bayeux.
Date: 1899- Books
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Thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier, le 23 janvier 1841 / par Stanislas Rayski.
Rayski, Stanislas.Date: 1841- Books
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Die Anwendung der Galvanokaustik im Innern des Kehlkopfes und Schlundkopfes : nebst einer kurzen Anleitung zur Laryngoskopie und Rhinoskopie / von Rudolph Voltolini.
Voltolini Rudolph (Friedrich Eduard Rudolph), 1819-1889.Date: 1867- Books
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Forschungen und Erfahrungen, 1880-1910 / eine Sammlung ausgewählter Arbeiten von Prof. Dr. Sir Felix Semon.
Semon, Felix, 1849-1921.Date: 1912- Books
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Intubation of the larynx / by F. E. Waxham.
Waxham, F. E. (Frank Endoras), 1852-1911Date: 1888- Books
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Intubation of the larynx in laryngeal diphtheria : with notes of fifteen cases / by G. Hunter Mackenzie.
Date: 1892- Books
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Polipi sanguinanti del laringe asportati col galvanocauterio : communicazione fatta al 13o Congresso della Socièta Italiana di Laringologia, Otologia e Rinologia, Roma, 31 Marzo, 1-2 Aprile, 1910 / Ugo Ambrosini.
Ambrosini, Ugo.Date: 1910- Books
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Über die Sprache bei Luftdichter Verschliessung des Kehlkopfes / von Prof. J. Czermak.
Czermák, Johann N. (Johann Nepomuk), 1828-1873.Date: 1859- Audio
Abnormal cries and sounds.
Date: 1962- Books
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Sull'uso della galvanocaustica nel laringe : communicazione fatta al 13o Congresso della Socièta Italiana di Laringologia, Otologia e Rinologia, Roma 31 marzo, 1-2 aprile, 1910 / Ugo Ambrosini.
Ambrosini, Ugo.Date: 1910- Pictures
Muscles of the eye and larynx and the head shown with a section of skull removed. Colour mezzotint by J.F. Gautier d'Agoty after himself, 1745-1746.
Gautier Dagoty, 1717-1785.Date: [1745 [-1746]]Reference: 33491i- Books
Autoscopy of the larynx and the trachea : (direct examination without mirror) / by Alfred Kirstein.
Kirstein, Alfred, 1863-1922.Date: 1897, ©1896- Books
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Essay on growths in the larynx : with reports, and an analysis of one hundred consecutive cases treated by the author, and a tabular statement of all published cases treated by other practitioners since the invention of the laryngoscope. / By Morell Mackenzie.
Mackenzie, Morell, 1837-1892.Date: 1871