4 results filtered with: Leases
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Tables for renewing and purchasing of the leases of cathedral-churches and colleges : according to several rates of interest; with their construction and use explain'd. Also tables for renewing and purchasing of lives. With tables for purchasing the leases of land or houses.
Mabbut, George.Date: 1735- Books
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An essay to ascertain the value of leases and annuities for years and lives, and to estimate the chances of the duration of lives. Wherein are many observations on bills of mortality, etc / [Anon].
Lee, Weyman.Date: 1737- Books
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A true estimate of the value of leasehold estates, and of annuities and reversions for lives and years. In answer to a pamphlet, intitled, Sir Isaac Newton's Tables for renewing and purchasing leases. &c. and to a letter added to it intitled, The value of church and college leases considered, &c.
Date: 1731- Books
A dissertation on estates upon lives and years, whether in lay or church-hands. With an exact calculation of their real worth. By proper tables, and the reasons for their different valuations / By Edward Laurence, land-surveyor.
Laurence, Edward, -1740?Date: 1730