17 results filtered with: Lithuania
- Books
Filigrani XVII veka po staropechatnym knigam Ukrainy i Litvy : katalog / sostavitelʹ T.V. Dianova.
Date: 1993- Books
Lietuvos medicinos istorijos apybraiža : mokomoji knyga / Aurimas Andriušis.
Andriušis, Aurimas.Date: 2006- Books
Vilniaus universiteto Patologijos muziejus : patologijos sampratos Vilniaus universitete istorinė studija / Ruvinas Ptašekas, Aurimas Andriušis, Albertas Žygas.
Ptašekas, Ruvinas.Date: 2000- Books
Vilnius University Medical Faculty / [compiled by G. Cesnys, Aurimas Andriušis].
Date: 2000- Books
Baltische Medizinstudenten in Jena / Waltraud Müller-Dietz.
Müller-Dietz, Waltraud.Date: 1994- Books
Lithuanian folk art / [Victoria Feldon].
Feldon, Victoria.Date: 1966?]- Books
- Online
Sravnitel'noe vliianie priesnykh i Druskenikskikh mineral'nykh teplykh vann na davlenie krovi v luchevoi arterii chelovieka i na myshechnuiu silu : dissertatsiia na stepen' doktora meditsiny / Avgusta Mrongoviusa ; tsenzorami dissertatsii, po porucheniiu Konferentsii, byli professory V.A. Manassein, P.P. Sushchinskii i privat-dotsent V.I. Drozdov.
Mrongovius, Avgust Iul'evich, 1855-Date: 1888- Books
Empirycznie czy racjonalistycznie? : dylematy i praktyka medycyny uniwersyteckiej w Wilnie w latach 1781-1842 / Anita Magowska.
Magowska, AnitaDate: 2015- Books
- Online
Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on Co-operation in the fields of education, science and culture : Vilnius, 8 November 1996 ... / presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs by Command of Her Majesty, August 1998.
Great Britain.Date: 1998- Books
Adventure of life : reminiscences of Pauline Podlashuk / [edited by Effie Seftel and Judy Nasatyr].
Date: 2010- Books
Moksliniai medicinos istorijos tyrimai Lietuvoje : XVIII amžiaus pabaiga-XX amžius : apybraiža : metodinė mokymo priemonė antrasis papildytas leidimas = [The scientific resarch [sic] in the field of the history of medicine in Lithuania (from the end of the 18th to the 20th century). An essay] / Aurimas Andrius̆is.
Date: 2002- Books
Profesorius Gintautas Česnys : bibliografine rodyklė = Professor Gintautas Česnys : biobibliographical index / [editor] Silvija Stakulienė.
Date: 2000- Books
Science in Lithuania / National Science Foundation, Europe Office.
National Science Foundation (U.S.). Europe Office.Date: 1996- Books
The official vital statistics of the Scandinavian countries and the Baltic republics / League of Nations Health Organisation ; [prepared by Harald Westergaard].
Health Organisation.Date: 1926- Books
The memoirs of Joseph Isaac Bluestone, MD / Naomi R. Bluestone.
Bluestone, Naomi R.Date: 1991- Books
Ojczyźnie i przysiędze hipokratesa zawsze wierni : udział lekarzy Polaków w konspiracji i walce zbrojnej z okupantem hitlerowskim na północno-wschodnich ziemiach Rzeczypospolitej / Jan Baradyn-Żyliśki.
Baradyn-Żyliński, Jan.Date: 1997- Books
Undigested past : the Holocaust in Lithuania / Robert van Voren.
Voren, Robert vanDate: 2011