24 results filtered with: Magnetic healing
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The general and particular principles of animal electricity and magnetism, &c. in which are found Dr. Bell's secrets and practice, as Delivered To His Pupils In Paris, London, Dublin, Bristol, Glocester, Worcester, Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Shrewsbury, Chester, Liverpool, Manchester, &c.&c. Shewing how to Magnetise and Cure different Diseases; to produce Crises, as well as Somnambulism, or Sleep-Walking; and in that State of Sleep to make a Person eat, drink, walk, sing and play upon any Instruments they are used to, &c. to make Apparatus and other Accessaries to produce Magnetical Facts; also to Magnetise Rivers, Rooms, Trees, and other Bodies, animate and inanimate; to raise the Arms, Legs of a Person awake, and to make him rise from his Chair; to raise the Arm of a Person absent from one Room to another; also to treat him at a Distance. All the New Experiments and Phenomena are explained / by Monsieur le Docteur Bell, Professor of that Science, And Member of the Philosophical Harmonic Society at Paris, Fellow Correspondent of M. Le Court de Geblin's Museum; and the only Person authorised by Patent from the First Noblemen in France, to teach and practise that Science in England, Ireland, &c.
Bell, John, professor of animal magnetism.Date: 1792- Books
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Magnétisme et magnétothérapie / par le Comte de Szapáry.
Szapáry, Ferenc, gróf, 1804-1875.Date: 1854- Journals
The Zoist.
Date: [1844-1856]- Pictures
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An exotic doctor magnetises a young woman; her husband looks on. Lithograph by C. Jacque, c. 1843.
Jacque, Charles Emile, 1813-1894.Date: [c. 1843]Reference: 16796iPart of: Les malades et les médecins- Books
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Exposition physiologique des phénomènes du magnétisme animal et du somnambulisme. Contenant des observations pratiques sur les avantages et l'emploi de l'un et de l'autre dans le traitement des maladies aigües et chroniques / par Auguste Roullier.
Roullier, Auguste.Date: 1817- Books
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Journal du traitement magnétique de madame B : Pour servir de suite au Journal du traitement magnétique de la Dlle N & de preuve à la théorie de l'essai. / Par M.T.D.M.
T. D. M. (Tardy de Montravel)Date: Janvier 1787- Books
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Rapports et discussions de l'Académie Royale de Médecine sur le magnétisme animal recueillis par un sténographe, et publiés, avec des notes explicatives / par P. Foissac.
Foissac, Pierre, 1801-1886.Date: 1833- Books
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Journal du traitement magnétique de la demoiselle N.
T. D. M. (Tardy de Montravel)Date: 1786- Books
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Experiments with the metallic tractors in rheumatic and gouty affections, inflammations, and various topical diseases / as published by Surgeons Herholdt and Rafn ... translated into German by Professor Tode, physician to His Danish Majesty ; thence into the English language by Mr. Charles Kampfmuller: also reports of about one hundred and fifty cases in England; demonstrating the efficacy of the metallic practice, in a variety of complaints, both upon the human body, and on horses, &c. by medical, and other respectable characters; Edited by Benjamin Douglas Perkins ... Son of the discoverer.
Herholdt, Johan Daniel, 1764-1836.Date: 1799- Pictures
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A man is violently rubbed with magnets. Coloured lithograph by C. Jacque, c. 1843.
Jacque, Charles Emile, 1813-1894.Date: [c. 1843]Reference: 16548iPart of: Les malades et les médecins- Books
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Vital magnetic cure : an exposition of vital magnetism, and its application to the treatment of mental and physical disease / by a magnetic physician.
Hayward, Aaron Stevens, 1823-Date: 1881- Books
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Puissance de l'électricité animale, ou du magnétisme vital et de ses rapports avec la physique, la physiologie et la médecine ... / par J. Pigeaire ... / [Jules Pigeaire].
Pigeaire, Jules.Date: 1839- Books
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The triumphal chariot of friction, or a familiar elucidation of the origin of magnetic attraction. &c. &c / by William Pope ... ; with plates from drawings made by the author.
Pope, William.Date: 1829- Books
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A practical manual of animal magnetism : containing an exposition of the methods employed in producing the magnetic phenomena, with its application to the treatment and cure of diseases / by Alphonse Teste ; translated from the second edition by D. Spillan.
Teste, Alph. (Alphonse), 1814-Date: 1843- Books
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Allgemeine Erläuterung über den Magnetismus und den Somnambulismus / von F.A. Mesmer. Als vorläufige Einleitung in das Natursystem.
Mesmer, Franz Anton, 1734-1815.Date: 1815- Books
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Suite du traitement magnétique de la demoiselle N.
T. D. M. (Tardy de Montravel)Date: 1786- Books
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Vandeleur, or, animal magnetism : a novel ... In three volumes / [Marianna Pisani].
Pisani, Marianna.Date: 1836- Books
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What is mesmerism? : the question answered by a mesmeric practitioner, or, Mesmerism not miracle an attempt to show that mesmeric phenomena and mesmeric cures are not supernatural ; to which is appended useful remarks and hints for sufferers who are trying mesmerism for a cure / by George Barth.
Barth, George H.Date: 1853- Books
- Online
Versuch einer Darstellung des animalischen Magnetismus, als Heilmittel / von Carl Alexand. Ferdin. Kluge.
Kluge, Carl Alexander Ferdinand, 1782-1844.Date: 1815- Books
Ioan. Bapt. Helmontii, De mag. vulnerum curatione. : disputatio, contra opinionem d. Ioan. Roberti ... in breui suâ anatome sub censurae specie exaratam.
Helmont, Jean Baptiste van, 1577-1644.Date: M. DC. XXI. [1621]- Books
Scientific researches, experimental and theoretical, in electricity, magnetism, galvanism, electro-magnetism, and electro-chemistry : With copper-plates / By William Sturgeon. Published by subscription.
Sturgeon, William, 1783-1850.Date: 1850- Books
Born to be magnetic / Frances Nixon.
Nixon, Frances, 1910-Date: 1971-- Books
- Online
Scientific researches, experimental and theoretical, in electricity, magnetism, galvanism, electro-magnetism, and electro-chemistry : With copper-plates / By William Sturgeon. Published by subscription.
Sturgeon, William, 1783-1850.Date: 1850- Books
- Online
La vérité du magnétisme, prouvée par les faits : extrait des notes et des papiers de M.me Alina D'Eldir, née dans l'Hindoustan / par un ami de la vérité ; suive d'une notice inédite sur Mesmer, qui avait été composée et mise en page pour la Biographie Universelle.
Date: 1829