16 results filtered with: Medulla Oblongata
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An atlas of the medulla and midbrain / Edited by H.McE.K.
Sabin, Florence Rena, 1871-1953.Date: 1901- Books
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Lęcons sur les maladies de la moelle / par Pierre Marie.
Marie, Pierre, 1853-1940.Date: 1892- Books
Experiments on the principle of life : [extract] / Julien Jean César LeGallois ; [translated by N.C. Nacrede and J.G. Nancrede].
Le Gallois, M. (Julien Jean César), 1770-1814.Date: 1976- Books
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Die Erkrankungen des Rückenmarkes und der Medulla oblongata / von E. v. Leyden und Dr. Goldscheider.
Leyden, E. (Ernst), 1832-1910.Date: 1897- Books
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Bau und Functionen der Medulla Spinalis und Oblongata, und nächste ursache und rationelle Behandlung der Epilepsie / von J.L.C. Schroeder van der Kolk ; aus dem holländischen übertragen von Friedrich Wilhelm Theile.
Schroeder van der Kolk, J. L. C. (Jacobus Ludovicus Conradus), 1797-1862.Date: 1859- Books
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Memoirs on the nervous system / by Marshall Hall.
Hall, Marshall, 1790-1857.Date: 1837- Books
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On the connections of the inferior olivary body / by Alexander Bruce.
Bruce, Alexander, 1854-1911.Date: [1889?]- Books
Observations on the respiratory centres in the cat / by Thomas Lumsden.
Lumsden, Mr. (Thomas)Date: 1976- Books
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On a remarkable diminution of the medulla oblongata and adjacent portion of the spinal marrow : consequent upon gradual spontaneous luxation of the Processus dentatus and ankylosis at the upper part of the spine, yet unattended by any sympton of paralysis / by P.D. Handyside.
Handyside, P. D. (Peter David), 1808-1881.Date: [1840]- Books
Interrelations of the respiratory centers in the cat : [extract] / R.F. Pitts, H.W. Magoun and S.W. Ranson.
Pitts, Robert F. (Robert Franklin), 1908-1977.Date: 1976- Books
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On the minute structure and functions of the spinal cord and medulla oblongata and on the proximate cause and retional treatment of epilepsy / Trans by William Daniel Moore.
Schroeder Van Der Kolk, Kacob Ludwig Conrad.Date: 1859- Books
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The medulla oblongata in its relations with sexual disorder, and on local blood-letting as a means of treatment / by Alexander Harkin.
Harkin, Alexander.Date: [1884]- Books
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Ueber die Respirationsbewegungen der Frösche in ihrer Abhängigkeit von der medulla oblongata : Inaugural-Dissertation der medicinischen Facultät zu Giessen zur Erlangung der Doctorwürde in der Medicin, Chirurgie und Geburtshülfe vorgelegt / von Georg Vogt ; Präses Herr Professor Dr. Eckhard.
Vogt, Georg.Date: 1860- Books
Regions of respiratory chemosensitivity on the surface of the medulla / R.A. Mitchell [and others].
Date: 1976- Books
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On a remarkable diminution of the medulla oblongata and adjacent portion of the spinal marrow. Consequent upon gradual spontaneous luxation of the Processus dentatus and ankylosis at the upper part of the spine, yet unattended by any sympton of paralysis / by P.D. Handyside.
Handyside, P. D. (Peter David), 1808-1881.Date: [1840]- Books
Localization of the medullary respiratory centers in the cat / R.F. Pitts, H.W. Magoun and S.W. Ranson.
Pitts, Robert F. (Robert Franklin), 1908-1977.Date: 1976