258 results filtered with: Midwifery - history
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Hermanstädter Hebammen im 18. Jahrhundert / [Georg Zacharia Petrescu].
Petrescu, G. Z. (Gheorghe Zaharia), 1874-1954.Date: 1931- Books
- Online
An introductory lecture on the rise and progress of midwifery, from the earliest period to the present time : delivered at the Central Infirmary, Greville Street, Hatton Garden, May the 30th, 1828 / by Michael Ryan.
Date: 1828- Books
Jordmorutdanning gjennom 175 år / [Kristina Kjaerheim and others].
Date: [1993?]- Books
The midwife as health missionary : the reform of Dutch childbirth practices in the early twentieth century / Hilary Marland.
Marland, Hilary.Date: 1997- Books
The healers of 19th century Nevada : a compendium of medical practitioners / Anton P. Sohn.
Sohn, Anton P. (Anton Phillip)Date: [1997], ©1997- Books
Die Geburtsdarstellung zum magischen Korianderrezept des Codex Vindobonensis 93, fol. 102r, der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek / W.A. Reus.
Reus, Werner A.Date: 1996- Books
Midwifery and the "Clouds" / Harold Tarrant.
Tarrant, Harold.Date: 1988- Books
Provincial midwives in England : Lancashire and Cheshire, 1660-1760 / David Harley.
Harley, David (David Nicholas)Date: 1993- Books
Hüterinnen der Nation : Hebammen im Nationalsozialismus / Wiebke Lisner.
Lisner, Wiebke.Date: [2006], ©2006- Books
The artful male and natural female : the man-midwife in Britain / M.L. Bradbury.
Bradbury, M. L.Date: 1988- Books
Swedish midwives and their instruments in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries / Christina Romlid.
Romlid, Christina.Date: 1997- Books
Einhundertzwanzig Jahre Hebammenausbildung an der Giessener Entbindungsanstalt/Frauenklinik : die Entwicklung des Hebammenwesens im Grossherzogtum Hessen von 1814 bis 1934 / von Claudia Christiane Carl.
Carl, Claudia Christiane.Date: 1999- Books
A short history of midwifery / by Irving S. Cutter and Henry R. Viets.
Cutter, Irving S. (Irving Samuel), 1875-1945.Date: 1964- Books
Die Hebamme im Wandel der Zeiten : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Hebammenwesens / von Wolfgang Gubalke.
Gubalke, Wolfgang.Date: 1985- Books
Rosalind Paget : the midwife, the women's movement and reform before 1914 / June Hannan.
Hannam, June.Date: 1997- Books
Über Stand und Ausbildung der Hebammen in 17. und 18. Jahrhundert in Chur-Brandenburg / von F.C. Wille.
Wille, F. C. (Paul Friedrich Carl), 1891-Date: 1934- Books
Weise Frau : Hebamme, Hexe und Doktorin : zur Kulturgeschichte der weiblichen Heilkunst / Susanne Dieterich.
Dieterich, Susanne.Date: 2001- Books
L'accouchement entre tradition et modernité / Marie-France Vouilloz Burnier.
Vouilloz Burnier, Marie-France.Date: [1995], ©1995- Books
Midwifery, obstetrics and the rise of gynaecology : the uses of a sixteenth-century compendium / by Helen King.
King, Helen, 1957-Date: [2007], ©2007- Books
Historie babictví a současnost porodní asistence / [Věra Vránová].
Vránová, Věra, 1953-Date: 2007- Books
O curso de partos :bdeve ou não haver parteiras? / Maria Lúcia Mott.
Mott, Maria Lúcia.Date: [1971-?]- Books
"We ought not to be inactive spectators" : physicians and childbirth in America, 1780-1840 / by Amy Suzanne Patterson.
Patterson, Amy Suzanne.Date: 1999- Books
Women & men midwives : medicine, morality, and misogyny in early America / Jane B. Donegan.
Donegan, Jane B. (Jane Bauer), 1933-Date: 1978- Books
The history of midwifery in Aberdeen / George P. Milne.
Milne, George P.Date: 1978- Books
Parteiras no seculo XIX : Mme. Durocher e sua epoca / Maria Lucia de Barros Mott.
Mott, Maria Lúcia de Barros.Date: 1992