42 results filtered with: Mineral Waters - analysis
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Das Schandauer Gesundheitsbad / beschrieben von Karl Friedrich Montag.
Montag, Karl Friedrich.Date: [1799]- Books
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An analysis of the mineral waters of Saratoga and Ballston : with practical remarks on their use in various diseases. Containing observations on the geology and mineralogy of the surrounding country, with a geological map.
Steel, John H. (John Honeywood), 1780-1838.Date: 1819- Books
A dissertation on the mineral waters of Saratoga : containing, a topographical description of the country, and the situation of the several springs ; an analysis of the waters, as made upon the spot, together with remarks on their use in medicine, and a conjecture respecting their natural mode of formation : also, a method of making an artificial mineral water, resembling that of Saratoga, both in sensible qualities and in medicinal virtue / by Valentine Seaman, M.D. physician in the city of New-York.
Seaman, Valentine, 1770-1817.Date: MDCCXCIII [1793]- Books
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Analysis of the mineral waters of Avon, Livingston county, New York.
Salisbury, Samuel, 1806-1850.Date: 1838- Ephemera
Synopsis of the medicinal contents of the most noted mineral waters, analysed by Dr. Higgins, at the instance of John Ellison.
Higgins, Bry. (Bryan), 1737?-1820.Date: 1780- Books
Las lagunas de Boza, Chilca y Huacachina y los Gramadales de la costa del Perú / Angel Maldonado.
Maldonado, Angel.Date: 1951- Books
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Nouvelle eau minérale sulfureuse d'Enghien / Extrait du Rapport fait ... à la Société de Médecine-Pratique de Paris, dans sa séance du ler juin 1821.
Rivet, Jean Baptiste François Claude, 1777-Date: 1821?]- Books
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Observations on a tour through the Highlands and part of the Western Isles of Scotland, particularly Staffa and Icolmkill ... to which are added a description ... of the country round Moffat, and an analysis of its mineral waters. In two volumes ... / By T. Garnett ... Illustrated by a map, and fifty-two plates, engraved in the manner of aquatints, from drawings taken on the spot by W. H. Watts.
Garnett, Thomas, 1766-1802.Date: 1800- Books
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An analysis of the Congress Spring : with practical remarks on its medical properties / by John H. Steel ; rev. and corr. by John L. Perry.
Steel, John H. (John Honeywood), 1780-1838.Date: 1856- Ephemera
Analysis of the Wick Chalybeate / by J.F. Daniell.
Daniell, J. F.Date: 1831- Books
Analyse de l'eau minérale sulphureuse d'Enghien / faite par l'ordre du Gouvernement.
Longchamp, Ex-Commissaire en Chef des Poudres.Date: 1826- Books
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Analysis of Jackson County Springs at Lynchburg, Miss / by J. Lawrence Smith.
Smith, J. Lawrence (John Lawrence), 1818-1883.Date: 1852- Books
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La circulation des eaux, ou l'hydrographie des minerales d'aix et de spa. Divisée en trois parties. ... / Par J.F. Bresmal.
Bresmal, Jean François, approximately 1660-1724.Date: 1700- Books
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An enquiry into the medicinal virtues of Bristol-water: and the indications of cure which it answers / By George Randolph.
Randolph, George, 1708-1764.Date: 1750- Books
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Report of the chemical analysis of the white sulphur water of the artesian well of Lafayette, Ind : with remarks upon the nature of artesian wells / by Charles M. Wetherill.
Wetherill, Charles Mayer, 1825-1871.Date: 1858- Books
An account of the most frequented watering places on the Continent : and of the medicinal application of their mineral springs ... and an appendix on English mineral waters / By Edwin Lee.
Lee, Edwin, -1870.Date: 1836- Books
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Heilquellen-Analysen für normale Verhältnisse und zur Mineralwasserfabrikation berechnet auf zehntausend Theile / von Friedrich Raspe.
Date: 1885- Books
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A descriptive, historical, chemical and therapeutical analysis of the Avon sulphur springs, Livingston County, N.Y : with directions for their use / by Samuel Salisbury.
Salisbury, Samuel, 1806-1850.Date: 1845- Books
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Observations on the Ballston waters.
Hosack, David, 1769-1835.Date: [1810?]- Books
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A treatise on the origin, nature and virtues of chalybeat waters, and natural hot baths. With a physico-chemical analysis, and medicinal description of the mineral waters at Tunbridge ... Islington, and Shadwell ... with others ... in England: and ... at Cleves in Germany. Likewise, directions for the preparation and use of artificial, hot, mineral-water-baths. To which is added, an appendix, on the Selter water, with ... remarks ... on it's [sic] mixture with tar-water. And also a dissertation on Baron Schwanberg's Liquid shell. With the process for preparing the same. To which is annexed, occasional remarks and queries on the Glastonbury waters / [Diederick Wessel Linden].
Linden, Diederick Wessel, active 1745-1768.Date: 1752- Books
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Relazione ed analisi chimica delle aque minerali di Arta o sia di Piano / eseguita da Francesco Ragazzini.
Ragazzini, Francesco, of Padua.Date: 1847- Books
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An enquiry into the medicinal virtues of Bath-water, and the indications of cure, which it answers ... / by George Randolph.
Randolph, George, 1708-1764.Date: 1752- Books
Moffet-well, or, A topographico-spagyricall description of the mineral wells, at Moffet in Annandale of Scotland / Translated, and much enlarged, by the author Matthew Mackaile, chyrurgo-medicine. As also, The oyly-well ... at St. Catharines Chappel in the paroch of Libberton. To these is subjoyned, a character of Mr. Culpeper and his writings.
Mackaile, Matthew, active 1657-1696.Date: 1664- Books
Die Wiesenquelle zu Eger-Franzensbad medizinisch-praktisch dargestellt, nebst einem Rückblick auf ihre Fassung und das sie umgebende Mineralmoorlager / Von Dr. Lorenz Köstler ... und Andreas Zembsch.
Köstler, Lorenz.Date: 1839- Books
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A collection of the published analyses of Avon mineral springs : with remarks on the use of the waters, public houses, bathing establishments, natural curiosities, &c / published by some residents at the springs, for the use of visitors.
Date: June, 1833