87 results filtered with: Mortuary Practice
- Books
Mortuary reform / by J. Neville Porter.
Porter, J. Neville.Date: 1890- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
M0011784: Reproduction of an illustration depicting a long chambered burial cairn in Midhowe, Rousay, Orkney
Date: 1951Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/104/86Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
The archaeology of death and burial / Mike Parker Pearson.
Parker Pearson, Michael, 1957-Date: 1999- Books
- Online
'Cremation' : a lecture delivered before the Warrington Literary and Philosophical Society, on March 20th, 1893 / by C.E. Richmond.
Richmond, Charles Ernest, -1915.Date: 1893- Books
- Online
Sanitary disposal of the dead : a lecture / delivered by C.N. Peirce.
Peirce, C. N.Date: [1891], ©1891- Books
- Online
Sur les prétendus dangers présentés par les cimetières en général et par les cimetières de Paris en particulier : thèse pour le doctorat en médecine présentée et soutenue le 6 août 1880, à 9 heures / par G. Robinet ; président M. Bouchardat, juges MM. Potain, Ollivier, Ch. Richet.
Robinet, G.Date: 1880- Books
- Online
O sredstvakh" k" preduprezhdenīi︠u︡ pogrebenīi︠a︡ obmershikh".
Date: 1846- Books
Earth to earth : a plea for a change of system in our burial of the dead / by Francis Seymour Haden.
Haden, Francis Seymour, 1818-1910.Date: [1875?]- Books
- Online
Opyt kolichestvennago opredieleniia mikroorganizmov v kladbishchenskoi pochvie : dissertatsiia na stepen' doktora meditsiny / Vladimira Klement'eva.
Klement'ev, Vladimir.Date: 1887- Books
- Online
Sepulture : its history, methods and sanitary requisites / by Stephen Wickes.
Wickes, Stephen, 1813-1889.Date: 1884- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
M0011816: Reproduction of a photograph of an open grave in a mesolithic cemetary in Téviec and Hoëdic (Morhihan)
Date: April 1951Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/105/18Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
Paris qui souffre : la basse geôle du Grand châtelet et les morgues modernes / par Adolphe Guillot ... Avec une préface par Ernest Daudet.
Guillot, Adolphe, 1836-1905.Date: 1887- Books
- Online
Cemeteries : as receptacles for the dead, and principally as places for health, recreation, meditation, and pleasure, and as substitutes for parks ; Wills or testaments : with the proper distribution of these to females, who are frequently left too little, and are less cared for than sons ; Potatoes : as an article of food, and in a political point of view, their cultivation, growth, and improvement, and the causes of disease, and means of preventing it / by John Moodie.
Moodie, John.Date: 1848- Books
Pharmaceutical, anatomical and chemical lexicon : the National funeral directors' official text book / published under the auspices of the Funeral directors' association of the United States and Canada ... compiled from the most reliable sources by H. Samson ... O. N. Crane ... A. B. Perrigo ... committee. Assisted by Marcus P. Hatfield.
National Funeral Directors Association of the United States.Date: 1886- Books
- Online
Address on the progress of cremation in England : delivered at Hastings at the Health Congress, Thursday May 2nd 1889 / by Spencer Wells.
Wells, Spencer, 1818-1897.Date: [1889]- Books
The disposal of the dead / by C.J. Polson, R.P. Brittain, T.K. Marshall ; edited by C.J. Polson.
Polson, C. J. (Cyril John)Date: 1953- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
M0011785: Reproduction of an illustration depicting a circle of interments from the Iron Age (circa 50 B.C.) from Aylesford, Kent
Date: 1951Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/104/87Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
What to do after a death in England and Wales : a guide to what you must do and the help you can get / Benefits Agency.
Date: 1995- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
M0011817: Reproduction of a photograph of a Scottish Bronze Age slab-lined grave found in Ednam on the Scottish Borders
Date: April 1951Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/105/19Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
- Online
Prospectus of the General Cemetery Company : for providing places of interment, secure from violation, inoffensive to public health and decency, and ornamental to the metropolis : with papers illustrative of the subject.
General Cemetery Co.Date: 1830- Books
A further contribution to the study of mortuary customs of the North American Indians / by H.C. Yarrow.
Yarrow, H. C. (Harry Crécy), 1840-1929.Date: [1881]- Books
- Online
Ueber Feuerbestattung : Vortrag gehalten am Abende des 13. Februars 1890, in Verbindung mit Experimenten und unter Vorweisung von kolorierten Bildern, im Naturwissenscaftlichen Vereine zu Mülhausen im Elsasse / von Friedrich Goppelsrœder.
Goppelsröder, Friedrich.Date: 1890- Books
Illness beliefs and feeding the dead in Hindu Nepal : an ethnographic analysis / Linda Stone.
Stone, Linda, 1947-Date: 1988- Books
- Online
La crémation : sa raison d'être--son historique, les appareils actuellement mis en usage pour la réaliser, état de la question en Europe, en Amérique et en Asie / par Prosper de Pietra Santa et Max de Nansouty.
Pietra Santa, Prosper de, 1820-1898.Date: 1881- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
M0011819: Reproduction of a book illustration depicting a former Neolithic flint mine excavation re-utilised as a burial place at Tours-sur-Marne, France
Date: April 1951Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/105/21Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive