52 results filtered with: Mourning customs
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Lamentation over the dead Christ on the mount of Golgotha. Woodcut by J.B. Jackson, 1738, after Rembrandt.
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, 1606-1669.Date: 1738Reference: 23215i- Books
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The whole duty of mourning : and the great concern of preparing our selves for death, practically considered / written some years since by the author of The whole duty of man, and now published upon the sad occasion of the death of our Most Gracious Sovereign Lady Mary the II, Queen of England, &c. of blessed memory.
Allestree, Richard, 1619-1681Date: [1695]- Pictures
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Christ is laid into a tomb. Lithograph by M. Fanoli after E.R. Wehnert, 1849.
Wehnert, Edward Henry, 1813-1868.Date: 1 June 1849Reference: 23239i- Pictures
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The body of Saint Bruno is laid out in state and surrounded by mourning Carthusian monks. Etching with engraving after E. Le Sueur.
Le Sueur, Eustache, 1616-1655.Reference: 44180i- Pictures
Andromache lamenting over the dead body of her husband Hector, surrounded by grieving members of the Trojan court. Engraving by D. Cunego, 1764, after Gavin Hamilton.
Hamilton, Gavin, 1723-1798.Date: [1764?]Reference: 3063626i- Pictures
The three holy women take spices to the tomb of Christ; an angel is waiting there. Etching by J.B. Patas after J.B. Wicar after P. da Cortona.
Pietro, da Cortona, 1597-1669.Reference: 23282i- Pictures
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A woman. Oil painting.
Reference: 45828i- Pictures
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Christ's body is carried to its tomb. Etching after Raphael, 1506-7.
Raphael, 1483-1520.Reference: 23221i- Pictures
Christ's body is carried to its tomb; lamenting followers stand watching. Line engraving by C.J. Visscher after A. Dürer.
Dürer, Albrecht, 1471-1528.Reference: 23220i- Pictures
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The Virgin and Saint Mary Magdalene lament over the dead Christ. Line engraving by L. Kilian after H. von Aachen.
Aachen, Hans von, 1552-1615.Reference: 23231i- Pictures
Claire kneeling by the tomb of her cousin Julie d’Étange. Mezzotint by J. Young after J. Hoppner, 1786.
Hoppner, John, 1758-1810.Date: 1786Reference: 577908i- Pictures
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A Christian-Roman soldier is administered extreme unction by a priest. Etching by Beyer after N. Poussin.
Poussin, Nicolas, 1594?-1665.Reference: 44178i- Pictures
The Virgin laments over the dead Christ. Engraving by R. Sadeler after A. Figino.
Figino, Giovanni Ambrogio, 1552 or 1553-1608.Reference: 23233i- Pictures
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The four holy women lament over the dead Christ. Line engraving after Annibale Carracci.
Carracci, Annibale, 1560-1609.Reference: 23217i- Pictures
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Christ's body is carried to its tomb; Mary faints in grief. Chiaroscuro woodcut by A. Andreani, 1585, after R. Motta da Reggio.
Raffaellino, da Reggio, 1550-1578.Date: 1585Reference: 24608i- Books
Death's door : modern dying and the ways we grieve / Sandra M. Gilbert.
Gilbert, Sandra M.Date: 2007- Pictures
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A dying man receiving extreme unction from a priest while surrounded by servants and his grieving family. Etching by A. Baratti after A. Novelli after B. Picart.
Picart, Bernard, 1673-1733.Reference: 44186i- Pictures
Christ's body is taken down from the cross; he is laid into a tomb. Engraving after M. de Vos.
Vos, Maarten de, 1532-1603.Reference: 23230i- Pictures
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Christ's body is carried to its tomb. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after P. Fontana.
Fontana, Prospero, 1512-1597.Reference: 25603iPart of: La Pinacoteca della Pontificia Accademia delle Belle Arti in Bologna- Pictures
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A young knight in full armour receiving extreme unction from a priest surrounded by his grieving family. Line engraving with stipple by J. Goodyear after G. Cattermole.
Cattermole, George, 1800-1868.Reference: 44179i- Pictures
A young woman without arms, wearing mourning dress. Photograph by C.H. Deakin, ca. 1890.
Deakin, C. H.Date: [1890?]Reference: 668724i- Pictures
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J. St. John Long (a dubious medical practitioner) dressed as a funeral mourner surrounded by ducks and placards which advertise several malpractice cases of his in which patients died. Coloured etching attributed to A. Sharpshooter, 1830.
Sharpshooter, A.Date: 8 September 1830Reference: 21000i- Pictures
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The dead Christ is lamented by his mother and disciples. Crayon-manner print by A. Leroy, 1853, after Raphael.
Raphael, 1483-1520.Date: 1853Reference: 24609i- Pictures
Mary laments to two angels over the dead Christ. Engraving by S.A. Bolswert after A. van Dyck.
Van Dyck, Anthony, 1599-1641.Reference: 23235i- Pictures
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Christ's body is carried to its tomb; the lamenting women watch. Line engraving by A. Sadeler after F. Barocci.
Barocci, Federigo, 1528-1612.Reference: 24617i