101 results filtered with: Musicians
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Four monkeys dressed as musicians giving a concert. Coloured engraving after D Teniers.
Teniers, David, 1610-1690.Reference: 39681i- Pictures
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An insane man (Tom Rakewell) sits on the floor manically grasping at his head, while two attendants manacle his legs: his lover, Sarah Young, cries in distress, they are surrounded by lunatics at Bethlem hospital, London. Engraving by H. Fernell after W. Hogarth, 1735.
Hogarth, William, 1697-1764.Date: [ca, 1840?]Reference: 20044i- Pictures
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Sancho Panza (the squire of Don Quixote) , at a banquet, being starved for health reasons by his physician. Lithograph by C. Nanteuil after M. de Cervantes Saavedra.
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616.Date: 1800-1899Reference: 22108i- Pictures
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Four musicians at a performance: the violinist points with his bow at the sheet music as another man plays the theorbo, and a guitar is placed on the table. Etching.
Reference: 33928i- Pictures
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Patie Birnie, a fiddler. Wash drawing.
Reference: 169i- Pictures
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Indian kettle-drummers. Gouache drawing.
Reference: 32429i- Pictures
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African people of the Camma tribe dancing by the light of a fire. Wood engraving.
Reference: 21357i- Pictures
A pair of bearded musicians, in a temple.
Date: [approximately 1900]Reference: 535972iPart of: The Fallaize Collection.- Pictures
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An itinerant musician playing to an audience using an instrument that is partly made out of an animal's bladder. Drypoint by L. Flameng.
Flameng, Léopold, 1831-1911.Reference: 21055i- Pictures
Miss Julia Klumpke, playing the violin. Photograph.
Reference: 562156i- Pictures
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Jack Keiling, known as Blind Jack, played the flageolet through his nose. Mezzotint.
Reference: 2097i- Pictures
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A group of musicians; representing the sense of hearing. Engraving by A. Bosse, c. 1650.
Bosse, Abraham, 1602-1676.Date: 1600-1699Reference: 26943i- Pictures
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Indian musicians playing their instruments. Gouache drawing.
Reference: 28530i- Pictures
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A priest exorcist, with two men playing cymbals and drums. Gouache painting.
Date: [1815?]Reference: 728666iPart of: Indian practitioners of trades, crafts, and professions. Gouache paintings, 18--.- Pictures
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A Bundela man and wife of south India. Gouache painting.
Date: [1815?]Reference: 728667iPart of: Indian practitioners of trades, crafts, and professions. Gouache paintings, 18--.- Pictures
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Six portraits of eminent seventeenth century men. Engraving.
Reference: 546768i- Pictures
A group of three musicians.
Paar, Thomas.Date: [approximately 1900]Reference: 538566iPart of: The Fallaize Collection.- Pictures
An insane man (Tom Rakewell) sits on the floor manically grasping at his head, his lover (Sarah Young) cries at the spectacle while two attendants attach chains to his legs; they are surrounded by other lunatics at Bethlem hospital, London. Engraving by W. Hogarth, 1763.
Hogarth, William, 1697-1764.Date: June ye 25 1735 [i.e. 1763]Reference: 20040i- Pictures
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An eye belonging to a musician. Drawing, c. 1794.
Date: 1794?Reference: 30850i- Pictures
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Cairo: a coffee-house with men sitting on wooden benches to smoke and drink. Colour lithograph by G.W. Seitz, ca. 1878, after Carl Werner, 1871.
Werner, Karl Friedrich Heinrich, 1808-1894.Date: [1878]Reference: 25224iPart of: Carl Werner's Nile-sketches, painted from nature during his travels through Egypt. Facsimiles of water-color-paintings executed by Gustav W. Seitz, with accompanying text by Dr A. E. Brehm and Dr Johannes Dümichen- Pictures
A man hangs from hooks in his back, watched by a group of musicians and a crowd of people in a market square in India. Coloured aquatint by T. Medland after C. Gold, ca. 1803.
Gold, Charles, Captain.Date: [1803?]Reference: 640699i- Pictures
A woman plays guitar at a table surrounded by men; representing the five senses. Etching by J.C. Levasseur and F. Hubert, c. 1800, after A. Borel after Valentin de Boulogne.
Valentin, de Boulogne, 1591-1632.Reference: 27199iPart of: Galerie du Palais Royal.- Pictures
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A musician. Drawing, c. 1789.
Date: c. 1789Reference: 28793i- Pictures
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An insane man (Tom Rakewell) sits on the floor manically grasping at his head, his lover (Sarah Young) cries at the spectacle while two attendants attach chains to his legs; they are surrounded by other lunatics at Bethlem hospital, London. Engraving by W. Hogarth after himself, 1735.
Hogarth, William, 1697-1764.Date: 25 June 1735Reference: 20042i- Pictures
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Page 101: Guru Nanak attended by his musician and holy man. Gouache drawing.
Reference: 27298i