1,138 results filtered with: Natural History
- Books
Clavdii Aeliani... Opera quae extant omnia / graece latinéque e regione, partim nunc primum edita, partim multo quam antehac emendatiora in utraque lingua, cura et opera Conradi Gesneri Tigurini.
Aelian, active 3rd century.Date: 1556- Books
Thinking path / Shirley Chubb ; edited by Les Buckingham.
Chubb, ShirleyDate: 2004- Books
- Online
Herrn Adami Loniceri Kraeuter-Buch und kuenstliche Conterfeyungen der Bäumen, Stauden, Hecken, Kräutern, Geträyde, Gewürtzen, &c. mit eigentlicher Beschreibung deroselben Nahmen in sechserley Sprachen, nemlich Teutsch, Griechisch, Lateinisch, Frantzösisch, Italianisch und Hispanisch : mit deroselben Gestalt, natürlicher Krafft und Würckung; samt vorher gesetztem und gantz aussführlich-beschriebenem Bericht der schönen und nützlichen Kunst zu destilliren, wie auch Bauung der Gärten und Pflantzung der Bäumen; ingleichem von den fürnehmsten Thieren ... Vögeln, Fischen und Gewürmen, und dann auch von Metallen, Ertz, Edelgesteinen, Gummi und gestandenen Säfften ... / corrigirt und verbessert ... durch Petrum Uffenbachium.
Lonicer, Adam, 1528-1586.Date: 1703- Books
- Online
Mémoires historiques sur la Louisiane, contenant ce qui y est arrivé de plus mémorable depuis l'année 1687. jusqu'à présent; avec l'établissement de la colonie fran̨coise dans cette province de l'Amérique Septentrionale sous la direction de la Compagnie des Indes; le climat, la natur & les productions de ce pays; l'origine & la religion des sauvages qui l'habitent; leurs mœurs & leurs coutumes, &c / Composés sur les mémoires de M. Dumont, par M[onsieur] L['Abbé] L[e] M[ascrier].
Dumont de Montigny.Date: 1753- Books
Environmental bibliography of Wales, 1900-1976 / J.N.M. Firth, C.V. Caine.
Firth, J. N. M. (John Naylor Millatt)Date: 1978- Books
A description of the Western Islands of Scotland, including the Isle of Man. Comprising an account of their geological structure; with remarks on their agriculture, scenery, and antiquities / By John Macculloch, M.D. In three volumes.
Macculloch, John, 1773-1835.Date: 1819- Books
Personal narrative / Alexander von Humboldt ; abridged and translated with an introduction by Jason Wilson ; and a historical introduction by Malcolm Nicolson.
Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859.Date: 1995- Books
Sir Thomas Browne's Pseudodoxia epidemica / edited by Robin Robbins.
Browne, Thomas, Sir, 1605-1682.Date: 1981- Journals
La Naturaleza : periódico científico del Museo N. de Historia Natural y de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural.
Date: 1870-1912- Journals
List of accessions to the museum library.
British Museum (Natural History). Library.Date: 1955-1974- Books
Histoire et description generale de la Nouvelle France, avec le journal historique d'un voyage fait par ordre du Roi dans l'Amérique Septentrionnale / Par le P. De Charlevoix.
Charlevoix, Pierre-François-Xavier de, 1682-1761.Date: 1744- Books
Erasmus Darwin : a life of unequalled achievement / Desmond King-Hele.
King-Hele, Desmond, 1927-2019.Date: 1999- Books
Festschrift für Claus Nissen : zum siebzigsten Geburtstag, 2. Sept. 1971 / Herausgeber, Elisabeth Geck und Guido Pressler.
Date: 1973- Books
Inventaris van de archieven van Teylers Stichting te Haarlem, 1606-1945 / [Christine J. von Ronnen].
Ronnen, Christine J. von.Date: 1978- Books
- Online
The philosophy of natural history / by William Smellie ; with an introduction and various additions and alterations, intended to adapt it to the present state of knowledge by John Ware, M.D.
Smellie, William, 1740-1795.Date: 1829- Books
Hermolai Barbari Castigationes Plinianse et in Pomponium Melam / Edidit Giovanni Pozzi.
Barbaro, Ermolao, 1454-1493.Date: 1973-1979- Books
The natural history of Aleppo. Containing a description of the city, and the principal natural productions in its neighbourhood. Together with an account of the climate, inhabitants, and diseases; particularly of the plague / By Alex. Russell, M. D.
Russell, Alexander, 1715?-1768.Date: 1794- Books
Some of my bush friends in Tasmania : native flowers, berries, and insects / drawn from life, illustrated in verse, and briefly described by Louisa Anne Meredith.
Meredith, Charles, Mrs., 1812-1895.Date: 1860- Books
Opere fisico-mediche stampate e manoscritte / del kavalier Antonio Vallisneri ; raccolte da Antonio suo figliolo. Corredate d'una prefazione in genere sopra tutte, e d'una in particolare sopra il vocabulario della storia naturale.
Vallisnieri, Antonio, 1661-1730.Date: 1733- Books
A new voyage and description of the isthmus of America / by Lionel Wafer, reprinted from the original edition of 1699 ; edited by George Parker Winship.
Wafer, Lionel, 1660?-1705?Date: 1903- Books
La scienza sperimentale : Lettera a Clemente IV ; La scienza sperimentale ; I segreti dell'arte e della natura / Ruggero Bacone ; a cura di Francesco Bottin.
Bacon, Roger, 1214?-1294.Date: 1990- Books
- Online
More about Dr. Benjamin Allen (1666-1738), of Braintree, naturalist / by Miller Christy.
Christy, Miller.Date: 1912- Books
The environmentalists : a biographical dictionary from the 17th century to the present / Alan Axelrod and Charles Phillips.
Axelrod, Alan, 1952-Date: [1993], ©1993- Books
Ernst Haeckel : Bildwelten der Natur / Olaf Breidbach.
Breidbach, Olaf.Date: 2006- Books
Charles Darwin's Beagle diary / edited by Richard Darwin Keynes.
Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882.Date: 1987