22 results filtered with: Neoplasms, therapy
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Cancer : a new method of treatment / by W.H. Broadbent.
Broadbent, W. H. (William Henry), Sir, 1835-1907.Date: 1866- Books
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Cancer : its treatment by modern methods : being the Bradshaw lecture for 1906 which was delivered before the Royal College of Surgeons of England on December 12, 1906 / by Edmund Owen.
Owen, Edmund, 1847-1915.Date: 1907- Books
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A second appendix to the successful treatment of cancer : to which are added, a few remarks on the improved treatment of fistula / by John Pattison.
Pattison, John.Date: 1859- Books
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The old methods of treating cancer compared with the new / by John Pattison.
Pattison, John.Date: [1857]- Books
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Dissertação, Cadeira de Clinica Medica : therapia nova de alguns tumores : proposições tres sobre cada uma das cadeiras da Faculdade : these apresentada á Faculdade de Medicina do Rio de Janeiro em 9 de Janeiro de 1897 para ser sustentada / pelo Dr. Rutigliano Gennaro.
Gennaro, Rutigliano.Date: 1897- Books
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Les tumeurs adénoïdes du pharynx nasal : leur influence sur l'audition, la respiration et la phonation, leur traitement / par B. Loewenberg.
Lœwenberg, B. (Benjamin), 1836-Date: 1879- Books
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Cancer cures and cancer curers / by T. Spencer Wells.
Wells, Spencer, 1818-1897.Date: 1860- Books
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The treatment of inoperable malignant tumors with the toxins of erysipelas and bacillus prodigiosus / by William B. Coley.
Coley, William Bradley, 1862-1926.Date: 1895- Books
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Practical observations on the cure of cancer : illustrated by numerous cases of cancer in the breast, lip, and face, which have been cured by a mild method of treatment, that immediately alleviates the most agonizing pain / by Thomas J. Graham.
Graham, Thomas John, 1795?-1876.Date: 1824- Books
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The "Shaw" treatment of cancer / by John Shaw.
Shaw, John.Date: [1909]- Books
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Inquiry respecting Mr. Charles Whitlaw's practice in scrofula and cancer : and the propriety of instituting an asylum, under his care, for these complaints, &c. / by A. Rennie.
Rennie, A.Date: 1828- Books
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The Shaw-Mackenzie treatment of cancer.
F.R.C.S.Date: [1907]- Books
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Cancer : its nature and treatment / by John Pattison.
Pattison, John.Date: 1856- Books
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Expériences sur le traitement du cancer : instituées par le sieur Vriès à l'Hôpital de la Charité sous la surveillance de MM. Manec et Velpeau : compte rendu à l'Académie impériale de médecine le 29 mars 1859 / par M. Velpeau.
Velpeau, A. (Alfred), 1795-1867.Date: 1859- Books
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Report of the surgical staff of the Middlesex Hospital, to the weekly board and governors, upon the treatment of cancerous diseases in the hospital, on the plan introduced by Dr. Fell.
Middlesex Hospital.Date: 1857- Books
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The plan adopted by the governors of the Middlesex-Hospital for the relief of persons afflicted with cancer.
Howard, John, -1808.Date: 1792- Books
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An essay, explanatory of a method whereby cancerous ulceration may be stopped, by the formation of crusts, and granulating margins : together with observations and directions, for the treatment of other analogous diseases, and diseases states, consequent to, and attendant upon cancerous ulceration / by William Farr.
Farr, William.Date: 1828- Books
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Cancer : its true nature, treatment, & cure : illustrated by cases / by John Pattison.
Pattison, John.Date: 1855- Books
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Des caustiques dans le traitement du cancer / par Jules Félix.
Félix, Jules, 1839-Date: 1892- Books
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An scirrhus, propriè sic dictus, seu cancer occultus, insanabilis? : thesis quam, Deo favente, in saluberrimâ Facultate Medicâ Parisiensi, praesentibus competitionis judicibus, publicis competitorum disputationibus subjiciet et dilucidare conabitur die [...] anno 1824 / Antonius Miquel.
Miquel, Antoine, 1796-1829.Date: 1824- Books
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Contribution à l'étude de l'action du sélénium colloïdal éléctrique dans le traitement du cancer : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier le 26 juillet 1913 / par Nina Popov.
Popov, Nina, 1885-Date: 1913- Books
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The treatment of cancerous diseases by caustics : a critical enquiry into the modern therapeutics of cancer : being 'the address in surgery' delivered at Birmingham on the occasion of the 24th annual meeting of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association / by Langston Parker.
Parker, Langston, 1805?-1871.Date: 1856