5 results filtered with: Neurosecretory Systems
- Books
Evolution and tumour pathology of the neuroendocrine system : proceedings of the 5th Eric K. Fernström Symposium, held in Lund (Sweden) on 3-5 July 1983 / editors, Sture Falkmer, Rolf Håkanson, Frank Sundler.
Eric K. Fernström Symposium 1983 : Lund, Sweden)Date: 1984- Books
Brain-endocrine interaction : median eminence: structure and function / editors: K. M. Knigge, D. E. Scott, and A. Weindl.
International Symposium on Brain-Endocrine Interaction 1971 : Munich)Date: 1972- Books
Essays on the secretory and the excito-secretory system of nerves in their relations to physiology and pathology : comprising I. A new classification of febrile diseases. II. An exposition of the "ganglionic pathology" of all continued fevers, as illustrated in typhus and typhoid fever. III. The prize essay on the excito-secretory system of nerves in its relations to physiology and pathology. IV. A letter to Dr. Marshall Hall, of London, claiming priority in the discovery and naming of the excito-secretory system of nerves / by Henry Fraser Campbell.
Campbell, Henry Fraser, 1824-1891.Date: 1857- Books
Neuroendocrinology : retrospect and perspectives / H.-W. Korf, K.H. Usadel (eds.).
Date: [1997], ©1997- Books
De endocrine organers function i den postoperative periode / E. Dahl-Iversen.
Dahl-Iversen, E.Date: 1955