5 results filtered with: Potassium Permanganate, therapeutic use
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Le permanganate de potasse dans le traitement des tuberculoses chirurgicales : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier le 31 juillet 1903 / par Paul Monnier.
Monnier, Paul.Date: 1903- Books
- Online
Experiments with permanganate of potash : shewing its use in the treatment of cobra-poisoning / by Vincent Richards.
Richards, Vincent.Date: 1882- Books
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Experiments on a method of preventing death from snake bite, capable of common and easy practical application / by Sir Lauder Brunton, Sir Joseph Fayrer and Leonard Rogers.
Brunton, T. Lauder (Thomas Lauder), Sir, 1844-1917.Date: [1904]- Books
- Online
On potassium permanganate as an antidote to vegetable poisons / by H.C. Wood.
Wood, Horatio Curtis, 1841-1920.Date: 1894- Books
- Online
Il morso della vipera ed il permanganato di potassa : memoria letta alla Società Italiana di Chirurgia nella sua prima riunione tenutasi in Roma il 30 Aprile 1883 / dal socio fondatore Dott. Giuseppe Badaloni.
Badaloni, Giuseppe.Date: 1883