32 results filtered with: Psychiatry - Philosophy
- Books
Words to the wise : a medical-philosophical dictionary / Thomas Szasz.
Szasz, Thomas, 1920-2012.Date: [2004], ©2004- Books
From patients to persons : the psychiatric critiques of Thomas Szasz, Peter Sedgwick, and R.D. Laing / Janet Vice.
Vice, Janet, 1951-Date: [1992], ©1992- Books
Psychiatry in dissent : controversial issues in thought and practice / Anthony Clare ; foreword by Michael Shepherd.
Clare, Anthony W.Date: 1976- Books
De-medicalizing misery : psychiatry, psychology and the human condition / edited by Mark Rapley, Joanna Moncrieff, Jacqui Dillon.
Date: 2011- Books
Rethinking psychiatry : from cultural category to personal experience.
Kleinman, ArthurDate: 1991- Books
Managing madness : changing ideas and practice / Joan Busfield.
Busfield, Joan.Date: 1986- Books
Psychopolitics / Peter Sedgwick ; new introduction by Tad Tietze.
Sedgwick, Peter, 1934-1983Date: 2022- Books
Phänomenologisch-anthropologische Psychiatrie und Psychologie : eine Studie über den 'Wengener Kreis': Binswanger, Minkowski, von Gebsattel, Straus / Torsten Passie.
Passie, Torsten.Date: [1995], ©1995- Books
Cultures of psychiatry and mental health care in postwar Britain and the Netherlands / edited by Marijke Gijswijt-Hofstra and Roy Porter.
Date: 1998- Books
Women and the psychiatric paradox / P. Susan Penfold & Gillian A. Walker.
Penfold, P. Susan.Date: 1984, ©1983- Books
Thomas Szasz, primary values and major contentions / edited by Richard E. Vatz and Lee S. Weinberg.
Szasz, Thomas, 1920-2012.Date: 1983- Books
Rivoltare il mondo : abolire la miseria un itinerario dentro l'utopia di Franco Basaglia 1953-1980 / a cura di Vinzia Fiorino ; [interventi di] Agostino Pirella [and others].
Date: 1994- Books
Psycho politics : Laing, Foucault, Goffman, Szasz, and the future of mass psychiatry / Peter Sedgwick.
Sedgwick, Peter, 1934-1983.Date: 1982- Books
R. D. Laing : the philosophy and politics of psychotherapy / Andrew Collier.
Collier, Andrew, 1944-2014.Date: [1977], ©1977- Books
Filosofia e scienza di fronte alla devianza psichica / Oscar Meo.
Meo, Oscar.Date: [1984], ©1984- Books
Reasoning about madness / J. K. Wing.
Wing, J. K. (John Kenneth), 1923-Date: 1978- Books
Philosophy in medicine : conceptual and ethical issues in medicine and psychiatry / Charles M. Culver, Bernard Gert.
Culver, Charles M.Date: 1982- Books
Mad to be normal : conversations with R.D. Laing / Bob Mullan.
Laing, R. D. (Ronald David), 1927-1989.Date: 1995- Books
Renewal in psychiatry : a critical rational perspective / with a foreword by Leon Eisenberg ; edited by Theo C. Manschreck, Arthur M. Kleinman.
Date: [1977], ©1977- Books
De l'acédie monastique à l'anxio-dépression : histoire philosophique de la transformation d'un vice en pathologie / Bernard Forthomme.
Forthomme, Bernard, 1952-Date: 2000- Books
The paradoxes of delusion : Wittgenstein, Schreber, and the schizophrenic mind / Louis A. Sass.
Sass, L. A. (Louis Arnorsson)Date: 1994- Books
Cultures of healing : correcting the image of American mental health care / Robert T. Fancher.
Fancher, Robert T.Date: [1995], ©1995- Books
Approaches to the mind : movement of the psychiatric schools from sects toward science / Leston L. Havens.
Havens, Leston L.Date: [1973]- Books
Oxford textbook of philosophy and psychiatry / K.W.M. (Bill) Fulford, Tim Thornton, George Graham.
Fulford, K. W. M.Date: 2006- Books
Philosophical dimensions of the neuro-medical sciences : proceedings of the second Trans-disciplinary Symposium on Philosophy and Medicine, held at Farmington, Connecticut, May 15-17, 1975 / edited by Stuart F. Spicker and H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr.
Trans-disciplinary Symposium on Philosophy and Medicine 1975 : University of Connecticut. Health Center)Date: [1976], ©1976