680 results filtered with: Public health
- Books
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On provident dispensaries as a means for promoting the public health / by James Christie.
Christie, James, 1829-1892.Date: [1880?]- Books
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The earth in relation to the preservation and destruction of contagia : being the Milroy lectures delivered at the Royal College of Physicians in 1899, with other papers on sanitation / by George Vivian Poore.
Poore G. V. (George Vivian), 1843-1904.Date: 1902- Books
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The Local Government (Scotland) Act in relation to public health : a handy guide for county and district councillors, medical officers, sanitary inspectors, and members of parochial boards / by John Skelton.
Date: 1890- Books
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Public hygiene / by Thos. S. Blair[and others].
Blair, Thomas Stewart, 1867-1939Date: 1911- Books
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Handbuch der öffentlichen und privaten Gesundheitspflege / Mit Autorisation des Verfassers nach der 3. Aufl. und einem Anhange "Das öffentliche Sanitätswesen im Deutschen Reich und in den Einzelstaaten desselben," deutsch hrsg. von Paul Boerner.
Wilson, George, 1811-1897.Date: 1877- Books
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Account of an epidemic fever, which occurred at Gibraltar, in the years 1804, 1810, and 1813 : taken from official documents, military and medical, and from the communications of Joseph D.A. Gilpin, M.D., deputy inspector of hospitals.
Medical and Chirurgical Society of London.Date: 1814- Books
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[On foul air and lung disease : a lecture] / by Arthur Ransome.
Ransome, Arthur.Date: [between 1870 and 1879?]- Videos
3 films courts de prévention du Sida : pour les populations Africaines vivant en France et pour les jeunes.
Date: [2006]- Archives and manuscripts
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M0010346: Section of the Thames embankment in 1867
Date: 24 November 1947Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/91/33Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
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Circolare delegazione apostolica di Perugia : Div. I Sez. III / Commissione Provinciale di Vaccinazione ; oggetto provvedimenti in ordine all'inoculazione del vajolo vaccino.
Commissione Provinciale di Vaccinazione (Perugia, Italy)Date: 24. Settembre 1822- Books
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A letter to the Honourable the Lord Provost, magistrates, and councillors of Glasgow, on the public wells.
Date: [1848?]- Books
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Report to the superintendents and visitors of sections in the recent Sanitary Visitation Movement, with suggestions as to a permanent scheme : also, proceedings of public meeting, and appendix of relative documents / submitted by Dr. Gairdner.
Gairdner, W. T. (William Tennant), Sir, 1824-1907.Date: 1867- Digital Images
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West Midlands Tuberculosis sanatoria and public information
Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust- Books
Higiene e educação da saúde / Carlos Sá.
Sá, Carlos, 1886-Date: 1957- Books
Private participation in health services / April Harding, Alexander S. Preker, editors.
Date: [2003], ©2003- Books
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Traité d'hygiène publique et privée / par Michel Lévy.
Date: 1869- Books
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On the evils of disunity in central and local administration especially with relation to the metropolis and also on the new centralisation for the people together with improvements in codifications and in legislative procedure / by Edwin Chadwick.
Chadwick, Edwin, 1800-1890.Date: 1885- Books
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Facts and observations on the sanitory state of Glasgow during the last year : with statistical tables of the late epidemic, shewing the connection existing between poverty, disease, and crime / by Robt. Perry.
Perry, Robert, 1783-1848.Date: 1844- Books
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A sanitary enquiry into the probable causes of yearly epidemics in England, as observed at Leicester / Richard Weaver.
Weaver, Richard.Date: 1871- Books
WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2008 : the MPOWER package / World Health Organization.
Date: 2008- Books
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Tratado elementar de medicina legal : coordenado, segundo a legislação Portugueza, para uso da mocidade estudiosa, e dos senhores facultativos, advogados, magistrados, militares, jurados, &c. / por Januario Peres Furtado Galvão.
Date: 1855- Archives and manuscripts
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M0005075: A well in one of the shops at the Eleusis, Greece
Date: 28 November 1936Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/41/28Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
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Traité de la salubrité dans les grandes villes : suivi de l'hygiène de Lyon / par J.B. Monfalcon et A.P.I. de Polinière.
Date: 1846- Books
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The letters of Mr. Alexander Fiddes, F.R.C.S., Edin. considered and refuted, his misrepresentations exposed, his calumnies and innuendoes set in the light of truth, his various statements in the press and otherwise weighed in the balance and found wanting / by Lewis Quier Bowerbank ; together with documentary letters and papers, tending to expose a professional conspiracy, and to afford the public in the colonies, and in Great Britain, correct judgment as to the controversy now existing on hospital matters.
Bowerbank, Lewis Q.Date: 1865- Books
- Online
Hints for health : being two lectures on the influence of air, water, food, and wine on the system / by J. Sherwood Stocker.
Stocker, John Sherwood.Date: 1874