41 results filtered with: Rabies - prevention & control
- Ephemera
- Online
Avis sur les moyens pratiques avec succes pour secourir : 1. les personnes noyés; 2. celles qui ont été suffoqués par des vapeurs méphitiques, telles que celles du charbon, du vin, des mines, &c.; 3. les enfans qui paroissent morts en naissant, & qu'il est facile d'appeler à la vie; 4. les personnes qui ont été mordues par des animaux enragés; 5. celles qui ont été empoisonnés ... / extrait des mémoires de M. Portal, médecin consultant de Monsieur de l'Académie royale des Sciences.
Portal, Antoine, 1742-1832Date: 1787- Books
Before you go : the traveller's guide to health : vital information for people preparing for overseas travel : including important information about AIDS / prepared by the Department of Health and Social Security and the Central Office of Information.
Date: 1988- Books
Resurgence of rabies : a historical perspective on rabies in children / Donna J. Fisher.
Fisher, D. J.Date: 1995- Books
WHO expert committee on rabies : seventh report.
Date: 1984- Books
Report of the Committee of Inquiry on Rabies : final report.
Great Britain. Committee of Inquiry on Rabies.Date: 1971- Books
The BMA guide to rabies / edited by David Morgan.
Date: [1995], ©1995- Journals
Annual report of the Central Committee of the Association, together with the report of the Director / the Pasteur Institute of Southern India, Coonoor.
Pasteur Institute of Southern India.Date: 1908-1953- Books
Rabies and wildlife : a biologist's perspective / David W. Macdonald.
Macdonald, David W. (David Whyte)Date: 1980- Books
Études sur la rage et la méthode Pasteur / par le Dr. Lutaud.
Lutaud, A. (Auguste Joseph), 1847-Date: 1891- Books
- Online
Reports and notes of the Public Health Laboratories, Cairo. No. 1, 1917.
Date: 1918- Books
While you're away : the traveller's guide to health : vital information for people travelling overseas : including important information about AIDS / prepared by the Department of Health and Social Security and the Central Office of Information.
Date: 1988- Books
Rabies / by Herbert Lubinski and Carl Prausnitz of Breslau ; translated in Intelligence Division, Ministry of Health, 1927.
Lubinski, Herbert.Date: 1927- Journals
Annual report of the director and scientific report / the Pasteur Institute of Southern India.
Pasteur Institute of Southern India.Date: 1955-- Books
WHO Expert Committee on Rabies : eighth report.
WHO Expert Committee on Rabies.Date: 1992- Books
Inoculation for rabies and hydrophobia : a study of the literature of the subject / by C.A. Gordon.
Gordon, C. A. (Charles Alexander), Sir, 1821-1899.Date: 1887- Books
Rabies : its prevention in man & dogs / Ross Institute India Branch.
Date: 1966- Books
Directory of services for rabies prevention and control in the European region = Répertoire des services de prophylaxie et de lutte antirabique dans la région européenne.
World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe.Date: 1978- Books
Ferrán's anti-cholera vaccination / by John Boyd.
Boyd, John.Date: 1890- Ephemera
Postage stamps ephemera. Box 4C.
- Books
America's first medical breakthrough : how popular excitement about a French rabies cure in 1885 raised new expectations for medical progress / Bert Hansen.
Hansen, Bert.Date: [1895-?]- Ephemera
- Online
Diseases of animals acts : rabies : London, Middlesex, and district (muzzling and control of dogs) order of 1919... / I.T. Williams.
Williams, I. T.Date: 1919- Books
Vorsicht Tollwut : Tollwuttbekämpfung im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert in Berlin : zum Thema: Tollwut / Gabriele Borschel.
Borschel, Gabriele.Date: 2000- Books
Rabies / Alvin, Virginia, and Robert Silverstein.
Silverstein, Alvin.Date: [1994], ©1994- Books
Mad dogs and Irishmen / A.E. Evans.
Evans, A. E.Date: 1987- Books
Scientific articles by Y. Nagano : 1937-1993 / Y. Nagano.
Nagano, Yasuiti, 1906-1998.Date: 1993