38 results filtered with: Radiation - Physiological effect
- Books
Radiation and life / Eric J. Hall.
Hall, Eric J.Date: [1984], ©1984- Books
Health physics, v. 1-.
Date: 1959-- Books
Tortured science : health studies, ethics, and nuclear weapons in the United States / compiled and edited by Dianne Quigley, Amy Lowman, and Steve Wing ; Collaborative Initiative for Research Ethics and Environmental Health (CIREEH).
Date: [2012]- Books
Radiation and health / Katharine Williams, C.L. Smith, H.D. Chalke.
Williams, Katharine.Date: [1962]- Books
Radiological physics / by M. E. J. Young ; with 184 illustrations.
Young, M. E. J.Date: 1957- Books
Action des radiations ionisantes sur l'organisme / A. Lacassagne, G. Gricouroff.
Lacassagne, Antoine, 1884-1971.Date: 1956- Books
Problems of infection, immunity and allergy in acute radiation sickness / by N.N. Klemparskaya [and others].
Date: [1959]- Books
The basic aspects of radiation effects on living systems / edited by James J. Nickson. Editorial committee: P. Morrison [and others].
Symposium on Radiobiology (1950 : Oberlin College)Date: [1952]- Books
Radioactive and natural strontium in human bone : U.K. results for 1957 / F. J. Bryant, E. H. Henderson, G. S. Spicer, M. S. W. Webb, T. J. Webber.
Bryant, F. J.Date: 1958- Books
Guidelines to radiological health : lectures.
International Conference on Guidelines to Radiological Health (1967 : McGill University)Date: [1969]- Books
Medical radiation biology / edited by Glenn V. Dalrymple [and others].
Date: 1973- Books
Radiation and immune mechanisms / William H. Taliaferro, Lucy Graves Taliaferro, Bernard N. Jaroslow.
Taliaferro, William H. (William Hay), 1895-1973.Date: [1964]- Books
Radiations and living cells : an introduction to radiation biology, in which the action of penetrating radiations on the living cell is described, with special reference to the effect on cell division in human tissues / [Frederick Gordon Spear].
Spear, F. G. (Frederick Gordon)Date: 1953- Books
Radiobiology for the radiologist / Eric J. Hall.
Hall, Eric J.Date: [1978]- Books
Radiation and radiomimetic chemicals : comparative physiological effects / L.A. Elson.
Elson, L. A. (Leslie Alderman)Date: 1963- Books
The delayed effects of whole-body radiation : a symposium / edited by Bernard B. Watson.
Symposium on the Delayed Effects of Whole-Body Radiation (1959 : Bethesda, Md.)Date: [1960]- Books
Radiological quality of the environment in the United States, 1977.
Date: 1977- Books
Exposure of man to radiation in nuclear warfare : a series of lectures held at the Conference of the NATO Civil Defense Committee, Scientific Working Party, June 20 and 21, 1961, at the permanent headquarters of NATO, Paris.
NATO Civil Defense Committee. Scientific Working Party. Conference (1961 : Paris, France)Date: 1963- Books
Veterinarnai︠a︡ radiologi︠︡ia / G.G. Vokken.
Vokken, G. G. (Gans Gansovich)Date: 1964- Books
Some aspects of internal irradiation : proceedings of a symposium held at the Homestead, Heber, Utah, 8-11 May 1961 / edited by Thomas F. Dougherty [and others].
Date: 1962- Books
How safe is safe? : radiation controversies explained / Barrie Lambert.
Lambert, BarrieDate: 1990- Books
Action of radiation on tissues : an introduction to radiotherapy / A. Lacassagne, G. Gricouroff ; translated by Clarence C. Lushbaugh and Gretchen R. Riese.
Lacassagne, Antoine, 1884-1971.Date: 1958- Books
Nuclear emergencies : a GP's guide / Dr E. Waterston.
Waterston, E.Date: 1991- Books
Report of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation.
United Nations. Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation.Date: 1958- Books
Combined effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy on normal tissue tolerance : 13th Annual San Francisco Cancer Symposium, San Francisco, Calif., March 3-4, 1978 / editor Jerome M. Vaeth.
San Francisco Cancer Symposium 1978 : San Francisco, Calif.)Date: [1979]