9 results filtered with: Reflex, Abnormal
- Books
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A note on excessive patellar reflex of functional nervous origin, and especially the 'trepidation' or 'spinal epilepsy' form / by F. Parkes Weber.
Weber, Frederick Parkes, 1863-1962.Date: 1908- Film
Galant's reaction : immature new-born child.
Date: 1953- Videos
Galant's reaction : immature new-born child.
Date: 1953- Books
The plantar reflex : a historical, clinical and electromyographic study / Jan Van Gijn.
Gijn, Jan van, 1942-Date: 1977- Books
- Online
Ueber ein spinales Symptom im Reconvalescenzstadium acuter Manie / von Heinrich Schermer.
Schermer, Heinrich.Date: 1889- Archives and manuscripts
'Myotonic pupil' and Markus's and Adie's syndrome
Date: 1905-1946Reference: PP/FPW/B.221Part of: Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)- Books
Abnormal postural reflex activity caused by brain lesions / Berta Bobath.
Bobath, Berta.Date: 1971- Books
The sign of Babinski : a study of the evolution of cortical dominance in primates / by John F. Fulton and Allen D. Keller.
Fulton, John F. (John Farquhar), 1899-1960.Date: 1932- Books
- Online
De l'exagération des réflexes tendineux dans l'hystérie : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier le 31 juillet 1908 / par Henri Roger.
Roger, Henri, 1881-Date: 1908