115 results filtered with: Rickets
- Books
The illness of Charles, Duke of Albany (Charles I), from 1600 to 1612 : an historical case of rickets / J.J. Keevil.
Keevil, J. J. (John Joyce)Date: 1954- Books
- Online
Zur Pathologie des Beckens : zwei Abhandlungen / von Anton Friedrich Hohl.
Hohl, Anton Friedrich, 1789-1862.Date: 1852- Books
- Online
Untersuchungen über Osteomalacie und Rachitis : nebst Beiträgen zur Kenntniss der Knochenresorption und -apposition in verschiedenen Altersperioden und der durchbohrenden Gefässe / von Gustav Pommer.
Pommer, Gustav (Lawyer)Date: 1885- Books
- Online
Untershungen ueber die sogenannte foetale Rachitis : (Chondrodystrophia foetalis) / von Dr. Eduard Kaufmann.
Kaufmann, Eduard.Date: 1892- Books
Johannis Mayow ... Opera omnia medico-physica, tractatibus quinque comprehensa ... / [John Mayow].
Mayow, John, 1641-1679.Date: 1681- Books
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Intra-uterine rickets / by J.W. Ballantyne.
Date: 1890- Books
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Ueber die Entwickelung der Knochensubstanz nebst Bemerkungen über den Bau rachitischer Knochen / von Prof. Heinrich Müller.
Müller, Heinrich, 1820-1864.Date: 1858- Books
- Online
Practische Beitrage zur Kinderheilkunde.
Baginsky, A. (Adolf)Date: 1880- Pictures
Causes of the English disease (rickets): (left) unsuitable food and (right) poor housing. Colour lithograph, 1922.
Langstein, Leopold, 1876-1933.Date: 1922Reference: 5107iPart of: Atlas der Hygiene des Säuglings und Kleinkindes- Books
- Online
Die Pathologie und Therapie der Rachitis.
Date: 1863- Books
- Online
Clinical lectures and essays on rickets : tuberculosis, abdominal tumours and other subjects / by Sir William Jenner, bart.
Jenner, William, Sir, 1815-1898.Date: 1985- Books
Collected writings / Alfred F. Hess.
Hess, Alfred F., 1875-1933.Date: 1936- Books
The artificial light treatment of children in rickets, anaemia & malnutrition / [Katherine Mary Lovell Gamgee].
Gamgee, Katherine Mary Lovell.Date: 1927- Books
- Online
Observations sur la nature et sur le traitement du rachitisme, ou, Des courbures de la colonne vertébrale, et de celles des extrémités supérieures et inférieures / par Antoine Portal.
Portal, Antoine, 1742-1832.Date: 1797- Books
The rickets report : Why do British Asians get rickets? / by Helena Sheiham and Alison Quick.
Sheiham, Helena.Date: [1982]- Books
- Online
Du rachitis, de la fragilité des os, de l'ostéomalcie / Par E.J. Beylard.
Beylard, E. J.Date: 1852- Archives and manuscripts
Hyperparathyroidism--chronic and rarely acute (parathormone intoxication), primary and secondary (continued) also various allied questions
Date: 1929-1951Reference: PP/FPW/B.159Part of: Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)- Books
- Online
On the disorders of infantile development, and rickets : preceded by observations on the nature, peculiar influence, and modifying agencies of temperaments / by A. Schoepf Merei.
Schoepf Merei, Agost, 1804-1858.Date: 1855- Film
Body framework.
Date: [between 1920 and 1929]- Books
- Online
Lamellar cataract and rickets / by E. Treacher Collins.
Collins, E. Treacher (Edward Treacher), 1862-1937.Date: [1895]- Books
Rickets and its pathology clinically considered / by William Stephenson.
Stephenson, William, 1837-1919.Date: 1865- Videos
Date: 1977- Books
- Online
De rachitide sive morbo puerili; qui vulgo the rickets dicitur. Tractatus / opera primò ac potissimùm Francisci Glissonii ... conscriptus: adscitis ... Georgio Bate & Ahasuero Regemortero.
Glisson, Francis, 1597-1677.Date: 1655- Pictures
Causes of the English disease (rickets): (left) unsuitable food and (right) poor living conditions. Colour lithograph, 1926.
Langstein, Leopold, 1876-1933.Date: [1926]Reference: 5105iPart of: Atlas der Hygiene des Kindes- Film
The story of halibut oil.
Date: 1948