57 results filtered with: Salt
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Revelations of Egyptian mysteries : history of the Creation, the causes and the progress of the degeneration of nature, the conflagration and manner of the resurrection of the world, as allegorically represented by the Egyptian philosophy: showing the justice of the inculcations of the ancient Egyptian priests and wise men, teaching that salt was fatally hurtful to human nature : with a discourse on the maintenance and acquisition of health, on principles in accordance with the wisdom of the ancients / by Robert Howard.
Howard, Robert, approximately 1812-1854.Date: 1850- Books
Hints for tastier meals / Cerebos Ltd.
Date: [1930?]- Ephemera
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Cerebos Salt : the salt that is absolutely pure : bought of A.W. Laws, grocer, &c., Bungay.
Laws, A. W.Date: 1910- Ephemera
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"Pepsalia" : the digestive table salt : a condiment, not a medicine : about indigestion / G. & G. Stern.
G. & G. Stern.Date: [1890?]- Pictures
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Cross-section of a shaft for extracting rubble from the pit. Etching by Bénard after L.J. Goussier.
Goussier, Louis-Jacques, 1722-1799.Date: [between 1700 and 1799]Reference: 31019i- Books
- Online
Salt and other condiments / by J. J. Manley.
Manley, John Jackson.Date: 1884- Books
A treatise, or discourse upon salt : the third principle of minerals.
Harprecht, Johann, 1610-Date: 1722- Books
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Revelations of Egyptian mysteries; and allegories of the Greek lyric poets clearly interpreted. History of the works of nature. With a discourse on health, according with the wisdom of the ancients / By Robert Howard, M.D.
Howard, Robert, -1812.Date: 1850- Ephemera
- Online
Cerebos table salt : can't decline it ... / Cerebos Limited.
Date: [between 1890 and 1899?]- Ephemera
- Online
For use in a salt free diet : Ruthmol, the chloride-free table salt : indications: cardiac disease with decompensation, renal affections, hypertension, slow healing wounds, tuberculosis, gout, obesity, allergic phenomena, eczema (idiopathic) / The Antigen Laboratories.
Antigen Laboratories.Date: [1931?]- Books
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Specification of Daniel Rutter Long : preserving animal food by means of injection.
Long, Daniel Rutter.Date: 1855- Books
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Saline therapy : being part V of several clinical treatises on the pathology and therapy of disorders of metabolism and nutrition / by Prof. Dr. Carl von Noorden and Dr. Carl Dapper.
Noorden, Carl von, 1858-1944.Date: 1904- Books
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Traicté du feu et du sel / excellent et rare opuscule du sieur Blaise de Vigenère ... ; trouué parmy ses papiers apres son deceds.
Vigenère, Blaise de, 1523-1596.Date: 1642- Books
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Specification of William Jayne : preserving eggs.
Jayne, William, 1826-1916.Date: 1855- Digital Images
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Human saliva displaying ferning. During the fertile phase of a woman's menstrual cycle an oestrogen surge causes salt crystals to appear in the saliva. When viewed under the microscope the crystalline salt structure resembles fern leaves and can be used as an indication of a woman's increased chances of conceiving at this time.
Anne Weston, Francis Crick Institute- Pictures
- Online
Plan of a salt-marsh and instruments used in the process of salt extraction. Etching by Bénard after L.J. Goussier.
Goussier, Louis-Jacques, 1722-1799.Date: [between 1700 and 1799]Reference: 31027i- Ephemera
- Online
Two to savour from Alpine Salt : Reichenhaller Alpine Salt / Tesco... in conjunction with The Grocery Partnership.
Tesco (Firm)Date: 1992- Digital Images
- Online
Human saliva displaying ferning. During the fertile phase of a woman's menstrual cycle an oestrogen surge causes salt crystals to appear in the saliva. When viewed under the microscope the crystalline salt structure resembles fern leaves and can be used as an indication of a woman's increased chances of conceiving at this time.
Anne Weston, Francis Crick Institute- Books
- Online
Specification of Samuel Carson : purifying and preserving animal substances.
Carson, Samuel.Date: 1855- Books
A collection of all the statutes now in force, relating to the excise [upon beer, ale, and other liquors], and the duties upon salt, malt and leather with notes in the margin, and an abridgment or breviary of the said statutes. With a table of the rates upon the several liquors, &c. shewing by what acts they are imposed. To which are added tables of allowances for common brewers, and malters, and a table for the duties upon leather.
Great Britain.Date: 1697- Books
The Worcester salt cook book / Worcester Salt Company.
Worcester Salt Company.Date: [1933], ©1933- Books
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Über subconjunctivale Kochsalzinjectionen und ihre therapeutische Wirkung bei destructiven Hornhautprocessen : Inaugural-Dissertation behufs erlangung des Doctorgrades der hohen Medicinischen Facutät in Basel / vorgelegt von Arnold Marti.
Marti, Arnold.Date: [1894]- Books
- Online
A letter to farmers and graziers on the advantages of using salt in agriculture, and in feeding cattle / By Samuel Parkes.
Parkes, Samuel.Date: 1819- Books
- Online
Specification of John Graefer : preserving vegetable substances.
Graefer, John, -1802.Date: 1855- Ephemera
- Online
Healthy eating guide : salt / Tesco Stores Ltd.
Tesco (Firm)Date: [1995?]