129 results filtered with: Scarlet Fever
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On scarlatina : in a letter addressed to his son, in which is contained cases of angina sine efflorescentia, scarlatina anginosa, benigna, maligna vel angina gangrenosa, and their sequelae : also, observations on various therapeutic agents that have been employed in the treatment of scarlatina / by William Ingalls.
Ingalls, William, 1769-1851.Date: 1837- Books
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Observations on the scarlatina anginosa, commonly called the ulcerated sore throat / by James Sims, M.D. ... ; with some remarks by Thomas Bulfinch, M.D.
Sims, James, 1741-1820.Date: 1803- Books
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Étude sur la scarlatine chez les femmes en couches / par Henri Legendre.
Legendre, Henri.Date: 1881- Books
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The pathology of scarlatina, and the relation between enteric and scarlet fevers / by John Harley.
Harley, John, 1833-1921.Date: 1872- Books
Report of the Committee of Management of the Metropolitan Fever and Smallpox Hospitals at Homerton : upon the work of the hospitals during the year 1880.
Homerton Fever Hospital.Date: 1882- Books
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The infectivity and management of scarlet fever / by W.T. Gordon Pugh.
Pugh, William Thomas Gordon, 1872-1945.Date: 1905- Books
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Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de febre scarlatina, ejusque cum angina nexu ... / Eruditorum examini subjicit Malachias Blake.
Blake, Malachias.Date: 1793- Books
Scarlet fever / by George F. Dick and Gladys Henry Dick.
Dick, George F. (George Frederick), 1881-1967.Date: 1938- Books
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Diphtheria : its history, symptoms, cause, and radical, speedy cure, without the use of poisonous medication: scarlet fever, and its successful treatment : measles : with causes of throat diseases : catarrh and kindred constitutional disturbances / by Melville C. Keith.
Keith, Melville C. (Melville Cox), 1835-1903.Date: 1888- Books
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Dissertatio medica inauguralis de scarlatina ... / eruditorum examini subjicit Joannes Jacobus Mitchell.
Mitchell, John James.Date: 1825- Books
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On scarlatina, in a letter addressed to his son / by William Ingalls.
Ingalls, William, 1769-1851.Date: 1839- Books
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Reports for the year 1891 of the statistical committee and the medical superintendents of the infectious hospitals and imbecile asylums, also of the ambulance & training ship "Exmouth" committees (6th year of issue) / Metropolitan Asylums Board.
Metropolitan Asylums Board (London, England). Statistical Committee.Date: 1892- Ephemera
Infectious diseases ephemera. Box 2.
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Des angines pseudo-membraneuses au cours de la scarlatine / par Victor Odent.
Odent, Victor.Date: 1887- Books
Player's contagious diseases fund : rules : revised March 1930.
John Player & Sons.Date: 1930- Books
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Reports for the year 1894 of the statistical committee and the medical superintendents of the infectious hospitals and imbecile asylums, also of the ambulance and training ship "Exmouth" committees (9th year of issue) / Metropolitan Asylums Board.
Metropolitan Asylums Board (London, England). Statistical Committee.Date: 1895- Books
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Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de febre scarlatina, ejusque cum angina nexu : Eruditorum examini subjicit / Malachias Blake.
Blake, Malachi.Date: 1793- Books
Report of the Committee of Management of the Metropolitan Fever and Smallpox Hospitals at Homerton : upon the work of the hospitals during the year 1876.
Homerton Fever Hospital.Date: [1877]- Books
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Observations on the scarlatina anginosa, commonly called the ulcerated sore throat / by James Sims, M.D. President of the Medical Society in London ; with some remarks by Thomas Bulfinch, M.D.
Sims, James, 1741-1820.Date: 1796- Books
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Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de scarlatina ... / eruditorum examini subjicit Jacobus Leahy.
Leahy, James.Date: 1825- Books
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On some statistical indications of a relationship between scarlatina, puerperal fever, and certain other diseases / by G.B. Longstaff.
Longstaff, George Blundell, 1849-1921.Date: 1880- Books
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On scarlatina, in a letter addressed to his son : in which is contained cases of angina sine efflorescentia, scarlatina anginosa, benigna, maligan vel angina gangrenosa, and their sequelae : also, observations on various therapeutic agents that have been employed in the treatment of scarlatina / by William Ingalls.
Ingalls, William, 1769-1851.Date: 1837- Books
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Remarks on some cases which occurred in the parish of Fulham this summer (1894), resembling scarlatina, but not of that nature : addressed to James Robert Hill, Esq., M.R.C.S., &c., Chairman of the Sanitary Committee of the Vestry of Fulham / by Robert Lee.
Lee, Robert, 1793-1877.Date: 1894- Books
Report on the incidence of scarlet fever and of diphtheria in 1922 in the village of Ramsbury, in the Ramsbury rural district, county Wilts. / J.R. Hutchinson ; Ministry of Health.
Hutchinson, James Randal.Date: 1923- Books
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Dissertatio inauguralis medica de scarlatina ... / publicae submittit disquisitioni Josephus Lorinczy = Orvosi értekezés a' vörhenyrol : orvos doctorrá iktatása ünnepélyére / irta Lorinczy Jósef.
Lorinczy, Jósef.Date: 1847