65 results filtered with: Smallpox Vaccine
- Books
Report from the Select Committee on the Vaccination Act (1867) : together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index.
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Select Committee on Vaccination Act (1867)Date: [1871?]- Books
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An essay towards an investigation of the present successful, and most general method of inoculation / By B. Chandler.
Chandler, Benjamin, 1737-1786.Date: 1767- Books
An address to the County and Town of Bedford, on the nature and efficacy of the cow-pox, in preventing the small-pox: with particular directions for inoculating the former / by G.D. Yeats. To which is annexed a letter from Dr. Jenner, and illustrative cases by Mr. J. Pulley.
Yeats, G. D. (Grant David), 1773-1836.Date: [1803?]- Books
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Vaccinia and variola : a study of their history / by John B. Buist.
Buist, John B. (John Brown), 1846?-1915.Date: 1887- Books
Fifth report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the subject of vaccination.
Great Britain. Royal Commission on Vaccination.Date: 1892- Books
Third report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the subject of vaccination : with minutes of evidence and appendices.
Great Britain. Royal Commission on Vaccination.Date: 1890- Books
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Observations on the cow-pox / by William Woodville.
Woodville, William, 1752-1805.Date: 1800- Books
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Good vaccine lymph : an inquiry as to what extent it is desirable to employ heifer vaccination, with details of that method / by John Greene.
Greene, John.Date: 1871- Books
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Du vaccin de génisse : étude comparative du vaccin animal et du vaccin humain, surtout au point de vue préservatif / par le Dr Ciaudo.
Ciaudo, J.Date: 1881- Books
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Discours historique sur l'utilité de la vaccination, suivi d'une instruction sur le même objet. Prononcé le 13 messidor à l'occasion de la séance de l'ouverture des travaux du Comité central des promoteurs de la vaccination dans le Département du Pô / par Michel Buniva.
Buniva, Michele Francesco, 1761-1834.Date: 1804- Books
First report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the subject of Vaccination : with minutes of evidence and appendices.
Great Britain. Royal Commission on Vaccination.Date: 1889- Books
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Geschichte der Pocken und der Impfung.
Kübler, Paul, 1862-1902.Date: 1901- Books
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Vaccine et variole : nouvelle étude expérimentale sur la question de l'identité de ces deux affections : rapport / étude faite, au nom de la Société des Sciences Médicales de Lyon, par une commission composée de: MM. Bondet, Chauveau, Delore, Dupuis, Gailleton, horand, Lortet, P. Meynet et Viennois.
Société des sciences médicales de Lyon.Date: 1865- Books
Second report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the subject of vaccination : with minutes of evidence and appendices.
Great Britain. Royal Commission on Vaccination.Date: 1890- Books
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Étude sur la vaccination animale / par M. le docteur Lanoix.
Lanoix, G. (Gustave), 1837-Date: 1866- Books
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Researches upon 'spurious vaccination,' or the abnormal phenomena accompanying and following vaccination in the Confederate Army, during the recent American Civil War, 1861-1865 / by Joseph Jones.
Jones, Joseph, 1833-1896.Date: 1867- Books
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On a new method of treating wounds, (Gruby's system) and the medical and surgical aspects of the siege of Paris : outlines for a non-official report (mémoires pour servir) to the physician to the Rt. Hon. the Minister of State for India : (including investigations concerning pyaemia, the danger of the introduction of calf vaccination into our Indian possessions, the tent-hospital system, &c.) / by Cameron J.F. Stuart Macdowall.
Macdowall, Cameron Joseph Francis Stuart, 1832-Date: 1871- Books
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Memorial of Josiah Meigs, and others : for an act of incorporation of a national vaccine institution for the United States of America. January 5, 1820. Read, and referred to a select committee.
Meigs, Josiah, 1757-1822.Date: 1820- Books
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Smallpox at Gloucester : a reply to Dr. Coupland's Report : (reprinted from "The reformer", December 1897, and January and February, 1898) / by W.R. Hadwen.
Hadwen, Walter R. (Walter Robert), 1854-1932.Date: [1898?]- Books
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Sir Lyon Playfair taken to pieces and disposed of : likewise Sir Charles W. Dilke, bart., being a dissection of their speeches in the House of Commons, on 19th June, 1883, in defence of compulsory vaccination / by William White.
White, William, 1831 or 1832-1890.Date: 1884- Books
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Report of the Royal College of Physicians of London on vaccination. With an appendix, containing the opinions of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of Edinburgh and Dublin; and of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons of London, of Dublin, and of Edinburgh / Ordered to be printed, by the House of Commons.
Royal College of Physicians of London.Date: 1807- Books
The Jenner of America : an address delivered before the Philadelphia County Medical Society, January 14, 1885 / by W.M. Welch.
Welch, William M. (William Miller), 1837-1921.Date: 1885- Books
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An address, to parents and guardians of children, and others, on variolous and vaccine inoculations / By John Coakley Lettsom.
Lettsom, John Coakley, 1744-1815.Date: 1803- Books
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Annual oration delivered by appointment before the Medical Society of the State of Delaware : on the thirteenth of May, 1828 / by J.F. Vaughan.
Vaughan, J. F.Date: 1828- Books
Studies on the pathology and on the etiology of variola and of vaccinia / by William Thomas Councilman [and others].
Date: [1904]