48 results filtered with: Smallpox Vaccine - history
- Books
The making of modern medicine : turning points in the treatment of disease / Michael Bliss.
Bliss, Michael, 1941-2017.Date: 2011- Books
Otto Gottlieb J. Mohnike (1814-1887) und die Einführung der Pockenschutzimpfung in Japan im Jahre 1849 : Katalog zur Ausstellung in Deutschland 2000/2001.
Date: 2001- Books
Who was Ingen Housz, anyway? : a lost genius / by Norman and Elaine Beale.
Beale, Norman.Date: 1999- Books
- Online
The case of receiving the small-pox by inoculation, impartially considered, and especially in a religious view / Written in the year M.DCC.XXV by David Some and now published from the original manuscript by P. Doddridge.
Some, David.Date: 1750- Books
Einige Markierungspunkte aus der Geschichte der Pockenschutzimpfung / A. Volker.
Völker, Arina.Date: 1990- Books
Mixed blessing : the impact of Suttonian smallpox inoculation in the later eighteenth century / Robert Dimsdale.
Dimsdale, RobertDate: 2016- Books
El médico canario Juan Perdomo inicia la variolización en Venezuela : la epidemia de 1763 estimula la fundación de los estudios medicos y del Protomedicato / Ceferino Alegría.
Alegría, Ceferino.Date: 1970- Books
"Choose a lesser of two evils" : Vinzenz Kern (1760-1829) and the introduction of vaccination in the Slovenian territories of the Habsburg monarchy on the 200th anniversary of Jenner's discovery of the smallpox vaccination / Zvonka Zupanič-Slavec, Cirila Toplac.
Zupanič-Slavec, Zvonka.Date: 1998- Books
Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse : a life in medicine and public service (1754-1846) / Philip Cash.
Cash, Philip.Date: 2006- Books
The state of vaccination : British doctors, indigenous cooperation, and the fight against smallpox in colonial Burma / by Atsuko Naono.
Naono, Atsuko.Date: [2005], ©2005- Books
Vaiolo, vaiolizzazione, vaccinazione a Bologna dai primi del Settecento ai primi dell'Ottocento : (Con documenti inediti) / [Leonello Manzi].
Manzi, Leonello.Date: 1968- Books
Letters of Henry Austin Martin : the vaccination correspondence to Thomas Fanning Wood, 1877-1883 / edited, with an introduction and notes, by John Joseph Buder.
Martin, Henry A. (Henry Austin), 1824-1884.Date: 1991- Books
Smallpox zero : an illustrated history of smallpox and its eradication / Jonathan Roy.
Roy, Jonathan P.Date: 2010- Books
La mayor hazaña médica de la colonia : la real expedición filantrópica de la vacun en la real Audiencia de Quito / Susana María Ramírez Martín.
Ramírez Martín, Susana María.Date: 1999- Books
Monument à Edw. Jenner, ou, Histoire générale de la vaccine : à l'occasion du premier centenaire de son invention / publiée sous le patronage des administrations et du corps médical par le Docteur Burggraeve.
Burggraeve, Ad. (Adolphe), 1806-1902.Date: 1875- Books
The adoption of inoculation for smallpox in England and France / by Genevieve Miller.
Miller, Genevieve.Date: [1957]- Books
Edward Jenner (1749-1823) / Richard B. Fisher.
Fisher, Richard B.Date: 1991- Books
A concise history of small-pox and vaccination in Europe / by Edward J. Edwardes.
Edwardes, Edward J. (Edward Joshua)Date: 1902- Books
En kovending : koppevaccinationen og dens udfordring til det danske samfund omkring 1800 / Gerda Bonderup.
Bonderup, Gerda.Date: 2001- Books
Globalisation of variolation : the overlooked origins of immunity for smallpox in the 18th century / Alicia Grant.
Grant, Alicia, 1948-Date: [2019]- Books
Geschichte der Pocken und der Impfung / von P. Kübler.
Kübler, Paul, 1862-1902.Date: 1901- Books
A vaca imortalizada : a vacina antivariólica e as vacinas de Wright no Brasil = The immortalized cow : smallpox vaccines and Wright's vaccines in Brazil / Carlos da Silva Araujo.
Araújo, Carlos da Silva.Date: 1972- Books
Pockenimpfung und Aufklärung : die Popularisierung der Inokulation und Vakzination : Impfkampagne im 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert / Marcus Sonntag.
Sonntag, Marcus, 1979-Date: 2014- Books
Il vaiolo e la tormentata storia della vaccinazione / Francesco Aulizio, Deanna Cuoghi.
Aulizio, F. (Francesco)Date: 1993- Books
Smallpox : a history / S.L. Kotar and J.E. Gessler.
Kotar, S. L.Date: [2013]